Benghazi You Tube Video Takes Out….Jay Carney?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is missing.  He may have been taken out by a You Tube Video. I’m not sure if it’s this one, or one like it, but it probably has something to do with “Ambassador Died – Obama Lied.”  Ever since the truth started leaking out, the regimes press-puppet has gotten … Read more

Jon Stewart Tackles Benghazi

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Obama Admin Shoots First and Aims Later…[UPDATE and bumped]

[UPDATE: Talk about shooting first and aiming later. Every White House claim was wrong. From the Weekly Standard:

For nine days, the Obama administration made a case that virtually everyone understood was untrue: that the killing of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, was a random, spontaneous act of individuals upset about an online video—an unpredictable attack on a well-protected compound that had nothing do to with the eleventh anniversary of 9/11.

These claims were wrong. Every one of them. But the White House pushed them hard. ]

In yet another episode, Sheriff, and town prevaricator, B. H. Obama mistakenly rebukes his rascally rival Romney for acts unbecoming a gentleman, only to find that it is his own deputies that are the quick draw charlatans.

B.H. Obama said last week that Romney, “seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later.”  He continued, “It’s important for you to make sure that the statements that you make are backed up by the facts. And that you’ve thought through the ramifications before you make ‘em.”

Good advice, Sheriff.  Though you might want to share that with members of your staff posse. On a previous episode, your Press Secretary, Calamity Carney, was shooting wildly from the podium and not hitting a lick of truth.

Well the adventures continue…

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The ‘Bain’ Of Green Boondoggles

Following Skip, who followed me, here is White House Propaganda Minister Jay Carney attempting to articulate the differences between private venture capitalism (Romney/Bain/private money/80% success) and Green Venture Corporatism (Obama/Cronyism/ Public money/ Billions lost for nothing). From Allahpundit c/o Hot Air For one thing, Bain evidently did due diligence on the companies it bought instead … Read more

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