Quran Islam Muslims

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”

You’ve heard of CAIR. The Council on American- Islamic Relations. They are an unindicted coconspirator in the funding of middle-eastern terrorism. One of their religious scholars is Mustafa Carroll. He is the executive director of the Council of American Islamic Relations’ Houston chapter. A few years back he said some things that might suggest to practicing Muslims that … Read more

The Real Cause For Murder

Iowahawk posted this at Breitbart yesterday and there is simply no way to excerpt it, without losing the point so I have included it in it’s entirety.  The conclusion is Iowahawks as well….(enjoy) Chicago, IL  Houston, TX  Population  2.7 million  2.15 million Median HH income  $38,600  $37,000  % African-American  32.9%  24%  % Hispanic  28.9%  44% … Read more

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