Gas nozzel gasoline fill it up pump original Photo by Wassim Chouak on Unsplash

Hypocrisy of Massachusetts Dems who Oppose Gas Tax Holiday

For the record, I oppose the gas tax holiday unless it is a permanent vacation. And axing the gas tax is a solid policy move for Lefties who demand an all-electric future that will erase that tax. Why not start now? Not so fast, say Massachusetts Democrats who say No Tax Left Behind.

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Donkey Party: Raising Gas Taxes Was a Moral Imperative, Now “Lowering” Them Is …

Every time Republicans suggest lowering a tax, Democrats lose their minds. Tobacco, Meals, Vehicle, Real Estate, pick a tax, any tax. It is irresponsible—bad policy. Women will starve, and children will die. Cats and dogs, living together!

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taxation is theft nh mug

Forget the Gas Tax Holiday, NH – Just End the Gas Tax: You Won’t Get a Better Chance than This

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu says he’d sign off on a gas tax holiday in the Granite State for anyone, not just residents. This is in response to a bill in the legislature that would only give the tax break to actual residents.

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