August 8th, 2015 Hour Two

In Hour two we talk to David Bozell from For America about the Republican debates. Then, it’s what Democrat is running against Ayotte if not Hassan, and are any Republicans running against Ayotte? Then its the new “Grassroots Group” focused on helping Kelly Ayotte called “Commitments Kept.” What commitments, we try to work that out.

GrokTALK! – David Bozell on Amnesty, The NSA, and Republicans

David Bozell from ForAmerica is back to discuss the recent 5th circuit ruling on Executive Amnesty. We also discuss lousy Republican leadership in Congress, and Rand Paul being all he can be in his fight against NSA spying.  

More Reasons NOT to Nominate Jeb Bush

David Bozell from ForAmerica is back to talk about why we should not nominate Jeb Bush as the Republican candidate for president- in case you didn’t already have enough reasons of your own.  Why Lindsey Graham is actually running for President. And a few other presidential primary observations.  

GrokTALK! – David Bozell From ForAmerica

David Bozell from ForAmerica joins us, to talk tax policy, Republican Primaries and DC politics. David Bozell: “The president can declare whatever the heck he wants. He can declare that they sky is green and grass is blue. And it is up to the congress to determine whether or not they are going to appropriate … Read more

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