Gun-Toting ‘Lunatic’ Pleads Guilty to ‘Intent to Kill’

The mad right-wing lunatic who, last August, tried to shoot up the offices of the Pro-Gay Rights “Human Rights Campaign” in Washington DC has…

…pleaded guilty to one federal count of crossing state lines with guns and ammunition. He also pleaded guilty to one count of intent to kill while armed and one count of committing an act of terrorism with the intent to kill.

You hadn’t heard about that?  Well that’s because it was actually a left-wing-gay-rights activist who tried to shoot up the office of the Conservative Family Research Council, after finding the location from a list of “Hate Groups” posted on-line by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center.

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Shooting in DC – Lefty Media in No Particular Rush to Cover It.

Family Research Council in the cross-hairsFloyd Corkins II, of Hendron Virgina, walked in to the Family Rights Council offices in Washington DC and proceeded to shoot a security guard before the same guard subdued him (some reports say with help), preventing him from getting past the lobby of the building.

Corkins  “had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people,” according to AP and CBS news.  He is also reported to have shouted disagreements with the work the Christian group does before opening fire.

To their credit, Glaad, representing several gay rights groups, quickly released a statement condemning the shooting.  The shooter is in custody, and no one was seriously injured in the incident, so the bigger story is the lack of wall to wall media coverage of a shooting in the heart of Washington DC.

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