Exxon Mobil Loog

After 14-Years Exxon Stops Feeding a Lie: Bails on Algae as a Viable Biofuel.

I don’t think this gets said often enough, but oil is a biofuel, and it is one of the best we’ve ever found. Coal is another. Nothing beats nuclear, of course, but that solves the imagined problem, so we can’t use that. What to do, well – Exxon tried algae.

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Exxon Suing Environmental Cabal That Tried to Sue Them Over Climate Change

Exxon continues to punch back at detractors looking to make a name for themselves by filing environmental conspiracy lawsuits against the energy giant.

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NH Defrauds Exxon Mobil with MTBE Scam

“the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety), by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”  – H.L. Mencken

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