Death Archives - Granite Grok


Hospital staff plus the reaper

A Killer Worse Than COVID

On August 22, the DHHS announced its allocation of an additional $1.4 billion toward the development of new Covid treatments and vaccines. If good health is their purpose, that’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.

Sorry Joe, Guns are Not the Leading Cause of Death among Children

One of the pillars of the Democrat party is ending the lives of children: abortion, mutilation, and pharmacological transitions, which lead to more suicides. I don’t think Democrats like kids unless, by that, you mean standing on their bodies or their graves to accumulate campaign wealth and political power.


When Did We Lose the Sanctity of Life

When did we become so numb to senseless death? Was it the video games that we have played for decades? Was it the movies filled with violence that we paid good money to see? Was it CRT being taught in our schools that made our children hate our country and system?