With Obama canceling the Keystone pipeline, I guess Obama’s economy is running out of gas…

by Skip

Obamanomics Running Out Of GasYup!  Running the car out of the ditch but into that renewable tree is going to do LOVELY things for Obama’s economy.  Our economy runs on oil, and only God knows why Obama thinks that the Keystone oil pipeline from Canada is not in “the nation’s interest”.  His, maybe.  Environmentalists, maybe.  And Warren Buffet’s?  Certainly seems to be (from Instapundit):

MORE OF THIS ADMINISTRATION’S LOUSY ENERGY POLICY: North Dakota Stuck Using More-Costly Railroads to Move Oil. “Right now, about 25% of North Dakota’s oil travels by rail. According to the CBS News report that ‘will increase exponentially with increased oil production and the shortage of pipelines.’”

UPDATE: Reader Jack Lillywhite emails:

 And who has a big stake in Burlington Northern? A guy in Omaha named Buffett.

And by having TransCanada tie its Keystone XI to the border crossing approval you can’t get a segmented line from Montana to Port Arthur, TX that the Bakken field could tie into. That is the concept. A collector system named the BakkenLink runs down to Montana from ND and ties into Keystone XI (known as MarketLink). A twofer you might say.

So, in a way it is a Win-Win for Obama – He wins his Green base and his Crony Capitalism base. Pretty clever, eh?

They win, we lose. As usual.

Crony Capitalism.

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Stonyfield CEO In Line For Another Pile of Taxpayer Cash?

>The question should not be if Stonyfield Dairy CEO and prolific Democrat donor Gary Hirshberg gets another pile of taxpayer cash, it should be “how much is he going to get?”  But whatever do I mean?

The University of New Hampshire has just been approved to receive a Department of Agriculture grant totaling $2.86 million dollars to “enhance the year-round capacity of northeast organic dairy producers to produce high quality component-enriched organic milk.”

Hirshberg is almost always on the receiving end of taxpayer funded public largesse.  In August of 2010 he was awarded $100,000.00 by Democrat Governor John Lynch and the State of New Hampshire as part of a job training program. 

Not long after Stonyfield was fingered by Senator Tom Coburn over the matter of a $700,000.00 Federal grant to the University of New Hampshire to study the environmental impact of organic dairy farms on the environment.  Who do you think just happens to have an organic Dairy Farm?  An organic dairy farm run by the Hirshberg’s but majority owned by Dannon /Group Danone, one of the largest food companies on the face of planet earth.

How big is Danone?

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Will Hillsborough Three Let Themselves Be Rail-roaded?

Peter Leishman is a Train WreckWe have another special election next Tuesday, this one in Hillsborough District three, and if you let the Democrat win you might want to know who you are sending to Concord.

The Democrat is Peter Leishman.  Leishman got flushed out of office in November 2010 but he’s hoping he can float back up if you are not looking. Do yourself a favor and hit the flush handle again because he is the same train wreck I described back in July of 2009


Lieshman just happens to be a rank-and-file House Democrat who is against your parental rights, voted in favor of the bathroom bill (twice), and voted to increase the budget by about one billion dollars during a recession… He’s a veteran state Democrat, and he’s into statewide fiscal abuse, and he has no problem with letting sexually confused men share your daughters personal space.


Leishman embraces the lefts genderless society regardless of risk, he voted against repealing the house weapons ban, against allowing spending caps and local control of spending, then Rep Leishman voted for the Tent Tax. He’s also implicated in insider, crony corruption, to go along with it.  He was accused of using his position in the House, knowing he was part of the relevant committee, to propose a bill whose passage would favor his own personal business interests.

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