The wretched unfairness of White Privilege…

…is being addressed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, according to a short piece in the City Journal magazine entitled White Wristbands: Wisconsin Declares War on Caucasian Privilege.


Also interesting is that the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction tries to explain the situation in an “Important Updated Message” on their website. In somewhat murky language, they conclude with a straightforward denial: “There is no wristband program in Wisconsin.” Instead, they say…

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The media fantasy-world built around Obama

This from Andrew Klavan in City Journal, observing on the entirely predictable outcome of the recent televised debate: “Obama’s hapless fumbling, bad temper, and inarticulate inability to defend his record were actually thoroughly predictable. They were simply facets of the man as he truly is, unfiltered by the imagination of his media supporters: a man who … Read more

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