Disgraced left wing rube and soon-to-be former Pelosi-Party Representative to New Hampshire Carol SEIU-Porter hit the pages of this mornings Union Leader like fingernails on a chalkboard. But it is a familiar sound. In fact I believe she has just plagiarized her own 2006 campaign web site. We’ve got irresponsible spending, two wars we could not afford, I’m just itching to play the song ‘Reminiscing’ by the Little River Band while I read it.
Carol, of course had nothing to do with any of that. Since 2006 when democrats took over the budget writing arm of government the wars ended, the deficit went away, and the middle class has prospered like never before in human history. We are less divided, more united, more respected internationally, revered for our diplomatic acumen, and commitment as a leader in business…
…Wait a minute. That’s not what happened.