Upcoming Obama Portsmouth Visit Angers Parents -Schools Will Have To Close [Updated]

Obama visit to Portsmouth NH will cause schools to closePortsmouth has announced that it will cancel school on Friday to accommodate President Obama’s visit.  The presence of dear leader will clog up traffic, block roads, and result in building closures so the district has thrown in the towel.  They will have to make the day up In May.

This is not a decision in a vacuum.  When kids stay home adults have to rearrange their lives.  Work, appointments, the added cost for unplanned day care if they can’t change plans or skip work when Obama stops buy to campaign, it all adds up.  Not that Obama gives a damn.  His campaign isn’t going to pay for any of the other costs his campaign appearances force upon local tax-payers.  Campaign appearances….paid for by taxpayers.

Has anyone estimated how much the campaign stop will cost the city of Portsmouth?

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If It is Campaign Related….It’s a Campaign Expense…You Clean It Up!


Obama Inauguration day trash- Democrats leave massive mess
Obama's been Leaving behind messes for others to pick up...Since Day 1

Obama is the campaigner in chief, breaking records for the number of campaign stops and fundraisers he’s made so far, all over America.  He’s also breaking records for the amount of money he is costing the places he travels too for these campaign events.  And neither he, nor his campaign, nor the DNC, are interested in paying the costs incurred by local communities as a result.

We had our own example in Durham, where an anonymous donor finally volunteered to cover costs, some of which which Durham outsourced to other towns who did not–to our knowledge–have anonymous benefactors themselves.  That means that taxpayers are  still fronting the cost of Obama’s campaign everywhere his campaign roams.

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