Notable Quote – Slavery; It’s Never Been Just an American Thing

by Skip

But that’s what our younger generations are being taught/led to believe (re: Black Lives Matter): In a world largely free of slavery today, it may seem hard to realize that slavery was an almost universal institution for thousands of years. Despite widespread misconceptions in the United States today that the institution of slavery was based … Read more


Libertarianism is the widely reviled idea that we should use reason and persuasion to accomplish our distributive aims.

by Skip

Libertarianism is the widely reviled idea that we should use reason and persuasion to accomplish our distributive aims. Only reason and persuasion. According to the libertarian, it is wrong to utilize threats of violence in the form of state-sponsored coercion, however sublimated by bureaucratic routine, in order to redistribute property that we have an antecedent claim to. … Read more


Notable Quote – Eammon Butler

by Skip

There is actually plenty of planning in capitalism: individuals and firms make plans all the time. Those plans get constant and instant feedback from the daily decisions of customers on what they will or will not buy, and producers quickly adjust their plans accordingly. If they make a mistake, it is only they who suffer. … Read more

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