From Day One …or something

It looks like it took 17 days for the Obama Administration to get their team on the ground in Benghazi after the Embassy was attacked.  Seventeen days.  (Maybe the White House should just deputize the “reporters” at CNN, they got there two weeks sooner.) Seventeen days got me thinking.  How long did it take to … Read more

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things…Obama Is Responsible For

This is too good not to borrow and re-post.  Dana Loesch–whom we saw at RightOnline this year–reports on the most recent Obama distraction–Romney..something something…and follows with a reminder that most of Obama’s defenders are funded by a guy with way more money (Soros) than Romney.  She then provides a list of links to things about … Read more

A problem for the Oily Populists.

Hope you got your permit to do that?Paul Hodes is scalp hunting BP over the Gulf Oil spill—even though BP ponied up 20 Billion already and has spent plenty trying to fix things besides.  Fine and dandy “but how do I use that for populist traction” cries Sugar Daddy Hodes.  “I need votes.”  His answer is another press release promising something or other—it doesn’t really matter with Hodes.  Anyway, what he should be doing, if in fact he is truly interested in reform and reparation, is investigating his own government and how the bureaucracy totally screwed things up.

P-Diddy Hodes won’t want to do that. He didn’t want to investigate Adolphus Townes on potential ‘Friends of Angelo’ connections to sweetheart loans. (That was the one with the famous Hodes running away video).  He still can’t return the tainted Rangel money because, well, like I said who cares what he said it’s Hodes.  He took that $10,000.00 payday from a major sugar producer after forcing a massive ethanol handout past two separate vetoes—and he’s not about to admit that was a corrupt act.  So investigate his own love of the endless layers of paper-pushing progress staunching bureaucrats?  No frikkin way.  He’s voted for plenty of 2000 plus page bills destined to deforest how many acres just to get the rules and regulations written down—none of which he cares anything about unless it costs him votes with the left wing, America hating, progressive-compulsives.

The problems with the spill are epic, so Hodes has plenty to ignore, particularly when all the government had to do was keep the oil off the beaches.  That was it.  Keep the oil off the beaches.  But they waited weeks before even responding, ignoring pleas, and bogging down every effort to protect the shoreline with bureaucrats and paperwork.   And even when they did try to do something, they did it the only way they know how.  FUBAR! 

Winston Groom, in the July 12th issue of the Weekly Standard spotlights a few of these transgressions which I have paraphrased below—issues which Hodes and the democrats have now imposed upon the health Care system thanks to Obama care, not that you have any reason to be concerned.  The list is on the jump.

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Hodes + BP + Lobbyist + Rhetoric

Hey That's My SubsidyNo one doubts that BP has a responsibility to clean up after themselves but Paul Hodes has taken the opportunity to play word games and politics. Yesterday he announced that because of BP’s complicity in the release of the Lockerbie Bomber they are no longer entitled to the tax cuts the government gives them out of the goodness of its frozen black little heart. Hodes calls them ‘Tax subsidies. ‘

That is lib-speak for money you legally earned that the government lets you keep. Imagine a mugger leaving you a twenty for cab fare after he takes everything esle including your car keys. That twenty is a subsidy provided by the mugger to you. Hodes is the mugger and he has decided that BP is not entitled to the money it legally earns–and likely needs to stay solvent to help pay for that mess down in the gulf.

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Chicago On The Merrimack

The democrat party line on BP is to close ranks and paint Republicans as protecting big oil.  This is necessary to distract America from Obama’s incompetence and the democrat’s cozy relationship with the British energy company.  Both Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes got the memo—they are on board—using tragedy for personal and political profit as each has sent out fundraising propaganda asking supporters to help them fend of the GOP and its defense of big oil.  These people are unbelievable. 

In a recent Hodes fundraising email staffer Valerie Martin claims that… 

"Republicans… are standing up for Big Oil, Big Insurance, and Big Banks. 

It’s just another example of a Republican defending the special interests, not your interests.

Other Republicans are even inexplicably criticizing President Obama’s efforts to make sure BP has money set aside to pay for the damages they caused.”” 

So let me see if I’ve go this right.  Paul Hodes (lawyer) sanctions the chief executive’s right to pry billions away from a private company without due process of law, when it is politically or ideologically convenient.  You can run on that and democrats will vote for you?

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Another Obama Jobs Program

Obama has apparently banned deep water drilling in the Gulf. Well c’mon, what did you expect. Millions of barrels spewing into the water and oil went down in price? Who cares if thousands more people are now out of work. This is about the agenda damn it. Besides they are probably all a bunch of God fearing, gun clinging republicans anyway.

From Day One

The anti-terrorism strategy so far has been to bow and scrape, and admit faults, and hope nothing bad happens.  The product of that failed policy has been for our enemies to take advantage of us while continuing to hate us more than ever, with a jihadi gunman successfully killing at fort Hood while two Bombs that were … Read more

From Day One

"Let me be clear” may be giving way to “From Day one.”  “From Day One” is the new backstop in the absence of physical evidence.  "From day one," the Obama administration was working behind the scenes on a response to the BP oil rig explosion.  You’re damn right they were.

Day one began with the same meeting they have every time something happens; how can we blame Bush or Republicans, and if not them who?  No "national" response is possible until that narrative has been worked out, and a plan is in place to turn whatever it is into some political advantage, unless it fits an existing grievance narrative already in place like "racist!"   The Narrative seeps out, the media and the administration regurgitate it, add spin and stir. 

And if you look over the short list of possibilities, Fort Hood, The Panty Bomber, Bonus announcements, Voter intimidation case involving Black Panthers, Tea Party protesters, Illegal immigrants rioting, things said by republicans, things said by democrats, scandals involving democrats, body counts, comments about clean black men, the difference in response time and the actions taken—or not–reveal their actual priorities.  It’s not jobs or growth or cleaning up corruption or clean energy.  It’s all politics, power and payback, all the time.

AIG bonuses—the ink isn’t even dry and the entire left side of the congress along with the White house is barfing class warfare rhetoric from every media orifice they can find about how they need to reign in big "whatever," new legislation already in hand.  An al Qaida trained terrorist tries to blow up a plane and is thwarted by passengers….need a week before we can even comment.

Of course we know why they need more time.  We’ve seen what happens when they are forced to comment on something before the ritual three day minimum.  They put their collectivist feet in their collective mouths.  They really have no clue what they are doing, especially when someone else craps on America before they can and they have no narrative in place.

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