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Four Digital Tools Your Company Should Be Using

With the world becoming ever more digitalized, it’s vital that businesses utilize the internet to their advantage in order to survive. It doesn’t matter what industry you operate in or how many employees you have; a strong online presence is important if you want to attract potential customers or clients. So, if you run your … Read more

Let’s Be Clear On Why Democrats Want To Kill The School Scholarship Program

In April of last year I pointed out what appeared obvious to me.  That the small business school scholarship program,  eventually passed into law last year–the one New Hampshire Democrats are trying to repeal–could actually save the towns and the state money.

In Merrimack the actual ‘on-paper’ cost per student is well over $14,000.00 each.; total enrollment of 4700 (ish) divided by our roughly 65+ million dollar school budget.  If a parent can only take $3,450.00 per child, ($2500.00 average) then the town is still getting paid $11,000.00 dollar per child with no child left to teach.

To see how that looks if we borrow the formula the Super’s letter

COPUPPSE (Cost of Over-priced Under Performing Public School Education) –  PTPR (Pittance of Tuition Parent Receives) = JPSS  (Jackpot for Public School System)

Well guess what.  Someone on the CATO Institute Blog yesterday, asked Governor Hassan why–if Governor Hassan wants to save taxpayers money–would she also want to repeal a scholarship program that saves taxpayers money on the cost of education?

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The NH Democrat’s Dishonesty About Tobacco

On 6-6-12 I provided an update on the state of tobacco tax revenue in New Hampshire.  Buried in that post were some observations about how hypocritical and dishonest Democrats in the Granite state are about tobacco and their obsession with taxing it.  A hypocrisy they themselves may not even grasp.  So I wanted to excerpt that portion separately with a few minor edits.  Here it is.

Democrats complained publicly and often about lower tobacco revenue after the tax was first lowered.  But isn’t that the point of the tax?  To lower consumption and therefore revenue?  To end a practice many in government, and more so in the nanny wing, argue adds to the long term cost borne by the public?  Is that not the goal?  To make smoking history?

And we know that raising the tax reduces consumption, and lowers traffic into New Hampshire to buy tobacco (and anything else) because we’ve seen it happen.  So less tobacco revenue always had to be the goal for Democrats if they are being even remotely honest about it.   This means that at some point New Hampshire was going to have to look someplace else for that revenue–or  were NH Democrats planning on increasing the tax per pack on the last smoker to $30 million (or whatever it is) to make up for everyone else who had quit at their urging?

Do you see how stupid that logic is?

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