Mitch McConnell - Source US Senate Page

Is This Why Mitch McConnell Won’t Support Blake Masters?

Blake Masters thinks that it should be possible to maintain a family on one income. That is heresy … real Spanish Inquisition stuff … to the globalists and corporatists.

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US Senator Mitch McConnell OpenVerse by Gage Skidmore under CC BY-SA20 5438043026_b91fd51b85_b

Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Want The GOP To Control The Senate Because … Orange Man Bad

Mitch McConnell is some kind of butt hurt. Trump-endorsed Senate candidates beat his milquetoast Establishment candidates in primaries in Arizona, Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania. For Mitch it is and always has been about Mitch and his ilk controlling the GOP. So much so that butt-hurt Mitch is now helping the Democrats beat Trump-endorsed America-First candidates:

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