has a great piece called the Boards and the Bees. It’s a mind-boggling look behind the sex-ed curtain in your public schools. A world committed to sexualizing kids as soon as they enter grammar school.
Report – Smartphone COVID-Tracker App Installs Itself Without Consent (Like a Virus?)
Even if you’re not concerned about the likelihood of being tracked or surveilled by the technology in your life, this might be disconcerting. The MassNotify COVID-tracking App, developed by Apple, and Google, reportedly installs itself without your knowledge or consent.
Steps for Preventing Apple From Deleting Parler From Your Phone
I’m not an adherent of the Apple-Cult, but a lot of our readers use their stuff, so this might be helpful. It purports to be a way for you to prevent Apple from disallowing you to use the Parler App on your phone – I am assuming if you already have it.
Democrat Lessons from Iowa (And for Everything) – Blame Republicans
One of the issues with the Democrat’s abject failure to run a caucus was clogged phone lines. Russians apparently hacked the number and gave it to Trump supporters who called it to complain. Democrats couldn’t send in their votes.