It’s been said you can judge a society by how it treats its prisoners. Of late, the American prison system has become nearly as bipolar as its political system. Republican states remain relatively staunch in holding fast to existing criminal codes. States run by Democrats; they would like you to believe, are the most benevolent toward prisoners due to simply letting them out early or not even putting criminals in to begin with. Is this, in fact, beneficence?
Articles tagged as
Anti-Grooming Bill
“What if We Passed a Law Making it Illegal to Teach Your Kids About Religion?”
Someone traveling the interwebs under the handle Plastic Martyr has a question for folks opposed to grooming little kids in public schools. They want to know how you’d feel about this!
What is This Lunacy About
Mayor Adams of New York City has been inhaling too many subway fumes. What other excuse could there be for the billboard campaign he unveiled this week. The campaign is not for signs in New York but in Florida. Really, not a parody.