Obama Aide on IRS Scandal: “The Law Is Irrelevant”

Turns out that the Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer shed some light on the Administration’s perspective on the IRS scandal.  This morning on “This Week”,  Mr. Pfeiffer cavalierly averred that the law is irrelevant with regards to the IRS scandal. Oh, well that clears things up.  What difference at this point does it make anyway, that … Read more

Is A Senator Under FBI Investigation for Sleeping with Underaged Prositutes News Worthy?

Not if you’re Martha Raddatz of ABC News.

The Daily Caller reported a few days ago that Senator Bob “rob the cradle” Menendez (D-NJ) is being investigated by the FBI for sleeping with underage prostitutes. Now, he’s a Democrat, so naturally his party brethren have no problem with what or who he does in his spare time, but can’t the media at least pretend to be journalists and ask him about it?

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