Rally Flyer2022


Women’s Defense League to Hold 7th Annual 2A Rally

The Women’s Defense League will be holding our 7th Annual 2nd Amendment Rally at the State House in Concord on Saturday, April 2nd from noon to 2 PM – 2A FREEDOM RALLY 2022.

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Let Teachers Be Armed..But Lets Not ‘Arm Teachers’

edwardsThis is one of those rare occasions where I depart company with my fellow Groksters. This is hard for me to do. But it is one of those rare…very rare times where I sit here and think, “Guys, I  happen to think I am right here!” Eddie is right on this issue. Here’s the deal…

Eddie Edwards is the candidate I am going to support. I hope at the end of September 11, he will be the Republican nominee. Eddie is SOLIDLY pro-second amendment. Eddie is anti-big government. Please see this video for proper perspective.

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