If you want to know how brave a media outlet is, look for the story about the “couple” involved in the murder of US Border Patrol Agent David Maland’s murder. Our local ABC News affiliate has several stories they’d like you to read.
You’ll discover where they got the gun used to kill Agent Maland, where they are from, and where they’ve been. Schools they attended, how they met. Some background on Maland’s career. We have other reports of a journal in which one perpetrator appears to discuss repeated use of LSD and what the high was like. And yes, one of them was German. However, neither was a Trump supporter, so further speculation about their political, religious, or lifestyle choices is thin to non-existent.
Felix “Ophelia” Bauckholt “was a biological male who identified as trans and used feminine pronouns.” A math genius “who later graduated from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. German media reports that he comes from the Freiburg area.”
His pronouns are now dead and buried (or will be soon enough).
Bauckholt is believed to have been in the US on an H1-B visa, working for Tower Research Capitol in New York. Good at math and then not so good at math.
[Teresa “Milo” Consuelo] Youngblut, who is accused of firing the surprise shots that killed Air Force Veteran and border agent David Maland, was injured by returning fire. She is a biological female who identifies as trans and lists her neo-pronouns as “xe/xem/xyrs” on social media. She was a University of Washington student.
Court filings by prosecutors say Youngblut was estranged from her family and traveled internationally in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Her social media account on BlueSky shows she followed Antifa and far-left accounts.
We have two self-identifying transgenders, at least one of whom uses psychedelics regularly, and at least one of which had an affinity for Antifa, getting into a gunfight in Vermont with a federal border patrol agent during a traffic stop, resulting in two dead.
Why are those facts missing from the reporting watchdog media? If it were a J6r in a MAGA hat and someone who supported Project 2025, that’d be the lede.
Y’all suck in the biggest possible way, which is why you keep losing audience to websites like this one.
Exit question. Why isn’t the openly gay, pro-trans, pro-public school grooming NH State Party Chairman embarrassed by this?