CAUGHT ON CAMERA! Did NH Gov. Sununu Coordinate and Trigger Unfounded “POLICE STATE” Arrests?

It appears that Governor Sununu pre-planned and colluded with others to arrest activists at the Executive Council meeting on 10/13/21.  If so, it would be a disturbing chain of events that has led NH further away from our Constitutional Republic and closer to a totalitarian state like Communist China.

After listening to the Governor’s ominous warning to the attendees after he led them in the pledge of allegiance, I believe that NH has a critical leadership problem.

Related: Sununu’s POLICE STATE: Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance “Will Not Be Tolerated!”

Perhaps Sununu’s goal was to incite an “insurrection” by patriotic Americans?  Or maybe he just wanted to make an example of Frank Staples, the person who was excessively passionate AFTER the previous Executive Council meeting ended and the Governor had left.

Either way, Governor Sununu’s actions are disturbing.

Watch this entire 10-minute excerpt video from yesterday’s Executive Councilor meeting and take special notice of Sununu’s actions that were captured on camera leading up to the UNWARRANTED ARRESTS.

There is a disturbing appearance that the Governor is communicating to individuals located in multiple areas of the room, and coordinating the removal and arrest of Frank Staples while Chairing the Executive Council meeting:

  • 0:37 – Sununu looks around then gives a subtle nod to his right
  • 1:35 – Sununu looks to his right again, and seconds later shakes his head “no”
  • 1:45 – While looking to his right his cell phone goes off. He looks at the message, looks up to his right again with a puzzled look then reads the message more closely
  • 2:01 – Sununu appears to be responding to the text message. At the point he stops typing, he looks up in the same direction to his right.  He then continues to vehemently text on his cell phone and when done typing – sneaks another look to his right
  • 2:34 – Sununu looks to his left and then quickly to his right with a puzzled look followed by a nod.  Clearly something was being coordinated
  • 2:58 – Sununu continues to look around the room instead of at Councilor Gatsas who is talking
  • 3:02 – Sununu looks quickly to his left and gives another nod, then looks slightly right and gives another nod. He continued to scope out the room, rather than look at and listen to speaker at the podium.
  • 3:15 -Sununu fixates his glance to his right again, and tilts his head as if he is trying to look around someone who is in the way
  • 3:24 – Sununu quickly looks to his left and then back to his right
  • 3:29 – Sununu quickly shakes his head “no” again then looks back to his left
  • 3:44 – The camera pans the crowd who is standing with their backs to the Governor and Councilors.  Clearly everyone in the crowd is quiet AND peaceful
  • 4:17 – Sununu continues to look around the room from his left to right, then picks up his phone, begins to text, then upon completion looks right again
  • 4:40 – The camera shows one state trooper whispering to another state trooper in the back of the room
  • 5:30 -Looking to his right, Sununu gives two subtle nods then turns to his left and gives another subtle nod. He gives two more subtle nods to his left over the next 15 seconds
  • 5:55 – (UPDATED) State troopers move into place and remove quiet and peaceful attendees (believed to be Frank Staples and Terese Grinnell) who offer no verbal or physical resistance. It is important to note that Staples is the same person who passionately spoke up AFTER the last Executive Councilor meeting.


That person running the Executive Council meeting is our governor.  His actions raise serious questions.  I’ve been told that there are additional videos that validate concerns that what took place yesterday should concern all of us.

I believe what took place yesterday is dangerously close to what would be expected to be commonplace in Communist China.

HT: Absolute Defiance


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