Just Voting Isn’t Enough

by Julie Smith

Back in the days of “Alderman Jan,” when I was still on FB and Nashua had zero representation in any legislative body, Beth Scaer authored a survey in one of the local groups, either Nashua Politics or Nashua Scoop.  It was a multiple-choice question, and it asked something like this:

So you don’t like your elected officials and their antics, what do you do about it?

A) complain

B) vote in every election

C) door knock/phone bank for a candidate

D) donate to the campaign of a candidate

E) run for office

I don’t remember the numbers, like how many people participated and percentage of each answer, but you can probably see where I’m going with this.  I voted in every election, every primary, every city election and every special election for decades, then I ran for office, three times, and here we are.

Three weeks before the primary, I tried to rally up the troops with this article, hoping to get some “new help” off the couch.  Now that I gave the two candidates, Nurse Terese and Emily Phillips, some time to decompress and start reclaiming their personal lives, post-defeat, I reached out to both of them to follow up.  I asked if any new people (meaning people not already on activist groups’ speed dial) emailed them between August 19 and the primary to offer their help.  Both of them answered no.  

I won’t get into the Monday morning quarterbacking and all the post mortem details, but despite those ships having sailed, we have another opportunity to “up our game” because Lily Tang Williams won her primary and it truly is an all-hands-on-deck call to action.  In case you don’t already know, her carpetbagger privileged aristocrat opponent has millions in the bank and access to all kinds of out of state and Deep State resources.  This November is NH’s opportunity to show the whole country that Annie Kuster’s seat is not for sale.

It’s often said about wars, “some gave all, but all gave some.”  We are at war and everyone CAN give some, even people in the other district.  Vote for her (if she’s on your ballot) AND tell others to do the same.  Everyone CAN phone bank for her, even if they’re far from NH.  Not into phone banking?  There’s door knocking.  Not into door knocking?  Offer to drive a door knocker in a rural area.  Lily’s campaign manager can find a route closest to where you are and find someone available to do the knocking when you’re available to play chauffer.  There’s donating.  Saddled with hard times?  Put aside a dollar(or more) per day/week and put it all in the cookie jar at her next stumping event. 

Keep some palm cards handy at all times.  Make it a goal to give one to a stranger each time you leave home or adjust your goal accordingly if your lifestyle provides more opportunities.  See a Trump sign in someone’s yard, alone or with other candidates’ signs?  If you’re not in a hurry, stop and ring that doorbell.  I usually say “I saw your Trump sign (and that of <down ballot candidate(s)>) and I’d like your permission to place a Lily sign next to it,” extending my arm with her palm card in hand.  I’ve had great success with that method and must say the hardest part is the frequency of people actually answering the door(for whatever reason).  Start a local sign wave with people in your sphere of influence.

The election is seven weeks from today, start making plans now.  Commit some time that day for holding a sign, rain or shine.  Recruit your kids to help.  Dress for cold weather, if appropriate.  If you’ve never held a sign outside the polls before, ask all the questions about it NOW.  The enemy camp is well oiled machinery and we must use every tool at our disposal.  As Michael O’Fallon says in his Sovereign Nations podcasts, “we must win!”


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