Vote Like I Tell You or the Kid Dies

Stephen Scaer

The NH Suicide Prevention Council (NHSPC) is hosting a breakfast for lawmakers on Wednesday to push its social agenda which includes opposing parents’ rights, indoctrinating children with gender ideology, and sex-change procedures for minors.

The council uses the trans suicide myth to blackmail lawmakers into voting against protecting children from gender ideology and experimental medicine and preserving girls’ sports and private spaces.

Related: NH Youth Will Die if Sununu Signs Bills, Suicide Prevention Council Threatens

The NHSPC issued a statement in April saying that children would take their own lives if these bills passed.

Specifically, removing supportive spaces including in families, schools, and communities for LGBTQ+ youth increases suicide risk, while supporting LBTQ+ youth and families through access to affirming spaces and necessary health care decreases this risk.

Just talking about these issues kills children, according to the council.

The introduction of these bills this session has already caused harm to the LGBTQ+ youth in our state. No young person should have to hear conversations that paint their identities as inherently problematic.

But even the radical ACLU acknowledges that this is a lie. During arguments at the US Supreme Court case United States v. Skrmetti on December 4, ACLU attorney Chase Strangio admitted that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries do nothing to reduce suicide among trans-identified youth.

Citing England’s Cass Review, an exhaustive systematic review of research on pediatric gender medicine, Justice Alito observed that “there is no evidence that gender-affirmative treatments reduce suicide.”

Strangio agreed.

What I think that this is referring to is there is no evidence that this treatment reduces completed suicide. And that the reason for this is completed suicide, thankfully and admittedly, is rare.

The Cass Review concluded that:

Suicide risk appears to be comparable to other young people with a similar range of mental health and psychosocial challenges. Some clinicians feel under pressure to support a medical pathway based on widespread reporting that gender-affirming treatment reduces suicide risk. This conclusion was not supported by the above systematic review.

The NHSPC was established in 2008. By law, its membership includes representatives from pro-child-transing organizations such as NAMI New Hampshire, the Disabilities Rights Center-NH, the Endowment for Health, and New Futures. Dartmouth Health’s Injury Prevention Center also has a seat. Dartmouth Health is the top provider of child sex-change treatments in the state, and uses the trans suicide myth to coerce lawmakers and parents to allow them to administer puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children.

Legislators might want to use this breakfast to ask the NHSPC some tough questions, such as why the state should continue to fund an extremist group pushing a harmful ideology.


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