Seven months ago, I wrote about an NH teacher who took time off from school to take a student to get an abortion without the knowledge of her parents. It turned out that there were unique circumstances, but the fundamental issues remain. I wrote then that it would be a priority for me for this House session.
HB191 will have a public hearing on Wednesday, the 22nd. This bill criminalizes an adult taking an unemancipated, pregnant minor for an abortion without the express permission of her parents. The point to keep in mind, however, is that this is not an abortion bill. This is about parents’ rights. This is an anti-trafficking and anti-predator bill. We will protect our children.
Parents’ rights are a key legislative issue for us this year. We have heard from parents around the state that they are responsible for the upbringing and education of their children. This bill protects their rights when it comes to the health and safety of their daughter. And who might be the adult taking the girl for an abortion? A predator or sex trafficker? The parent must know. Imagine a 15-year-old girl who has been raped by an uncle. Imagine a girl who is being trafficked by her older boyfriend. The parent must know. Legal authorities should know.
The criminal penalty for the first offense is up to a year in prison plus a fine. Any subsequent conviction would be a prison term of 3.5 years to 7 years. The bill also provides for civil action by the biological mother or father of the unborn child or the maternal grandparent. The bill specifically states that situations such as transportation in a medical emergency or by an ambulance driver or by a good samaritan are excluded. The focus is on adults acting without parental permission, including predators and sex traffickers.
HB191 is a common-sense bill to protect minor girls. Please contact your Representative and ask them to pass this legislation.
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