No Time To Waste

As we start the new year here in the Granite State, we also prepare for the upcoming legislative
season. And what’s on the docket this year? Nearly 1,000 Legislative Service Requests
(LSRs)—potential bills that, if approved, could become law. For those familiar with this process,
this is a troubling sign. The New Hampshire House of Representatives was never meant to be a
platform for legislators to make a name for themselves or push partisan agendas. Its core purpose
is to protect the lives, liberties, and pursuit of happiness of the people it serves.

With the start of the season just around the corner on January 8th, there’s no time to waste in
getting in touch with your Representatives. In fact, it’s never too late to start. The NH House
website even has a list of the LSRs that you can review. From there, we can reach out about
concerning bills to either adjust them if possible or, in some cases, have them pulled entirely.
While this may seem like a daunting task, there are groups already working hard on it, and one
I’d like to share with you is New Hampshire Legislative Alerts. This group, found on Facebook
and Telegram, mobilizes volunteers to track bills, create detailed alerts, and share information
about how to testify (both in person and online) as well as provide contact details for the relevant
committees. It’s an excellent way to stay involved without taking time off work or even leaving
the comfort of your own home. You can join here: Facebook or Telegram.

You can also sign up for legislative alerts through the John Birch Society here, which offers
valuable updates and actions at both the state and federal levels. These resources provide timely
information on legislation and actionable steps you can take to influence the process. Since
personal visits, video messages, and phone calls are the most effective ways to impact your
representatives, please consider following up with a visit, call, or video message. You can use this
widget to track potentially dangerous unconstitutional efforts: Federal Alerts and New Hampshire Alerts.

Another great tool for getting involved is utilizing and sharing Scorecards. The Freedom Index
allows you to look up your Representatives, Senators, and
Congresspeople and see their quarterly scores, cumulative scores, and summaries of the bills
they’ve voted on to determine those scores. You can print these Scorecards out to share with
others and help keep your community informed or use them to encourage your
Representatives—whether that means praising them for doing a good job or nudging them to
revisit the Constitution.

As Thomas Jefferson wisely said, “the people… are the only sure reliance for the preservation of
our liberty.” You don’t need to spend large amounts of money, drive to the Statehouse every
week, or use up all your vacation days to get involved. You just need to find the time and the
method that works best for you and take action. Let’s make 2025 the year we DO. Get active,
even if it’s just once a week from your computer.

Thanks to Megan Schmitt for the Op-Ed. As a reminder, authors’ opinions are their own and may not represent those of Grok Media, LLC,, its sponsors, readers, authors, or advertisers. Submit Op-Eds to

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