With the understanding that not all gun purchase data is available or reported*, Ammo.com has published state-level statistics on several categories related to firearms. The first and perhaps more important, fact is that there is no correlation between the number of guns and crime.
The United States is also the leader in registered firearms ownership, with 120 guns for every hundred people (and those are just the ones they know about). Switzerland lands second with 27.58 guns per 100 citizens.
Texas has the most (known) guns, while Wyoming has the most firearms per 1000 residents. New Hampshire ranks fifth in the last category.
Here are a few fast and uncomfortable facts for gun grabbers.
Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Deaths
There is no direct correlation between gun ownership and firearm-related death. In fact, the five states with the highest firearm-related deaths have relatively low firearm ownership rates.
Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Suicides
In 2021, there were 26,328 firearm-related suicides in the U.S. Thirty percent of firearm-related suicides in 2021 occurred in five states that don’t fall in the top ten for gun ownership.
Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Homicides
The deadliest states in the U.S. in 2023 regarding firearms were Texas, California, Illinois, Florida, and Georgia. These states are not in the top fifteen for gun ownership.
New Hampshire, as a reminder, ranking fifth in the US guns owned per 1000 residents, is consistently one of the safest states in the nation, year after year. This year, we shared this nugget!
New Hampshire is the second-safest state, in large part because it has very little violence. For example, New Hampshire had the fewest mass shootings between June 2022 and June 2024 (me: which is to say none). The state also has the second-fewest murders and nonnegligent manslaughters per capita, and the fewest aggravated assaults per capita. On top of that, the state is also very safe from nonviolent crime, with the second-fewest thefts per capita.
Lots of guns in a very safe state.