I am privy to numerous essentially off-the-record conversations, threads, discussions, and details. What I see, read, and learn is not for The Grok. Private, they stay, but the amalgamation of this access paints pictures I am allowed to share. Today is November 5th. November is no longer coming; it is here.
Cautious optimism pervades the pro-liberty-small-government side of the aisle. They feel Trump could win big but don’t trust the election machine or the Democrat machine to let that be (for good reason). The blob will do anything, and what that is – is unknown until later today and possibly in the following days and weeks.
Would it make a difference if Harris lost in an electoral landslide?
On the Left, there is fear that Kamala is the worst candidate ever while hoping Trump will still lose. Many Democrats are unhappy about the DNC anointing Harris and bailing on an open convention to pick Biden’s replacement. Others are disenfranchised – despite the media spin – because they can see she is a lousy candidate, amplified by her choice of Tim Walz, who is worse than she is. They sense, feel, or know demographic support among men, black men, Latinos, unions, and others has waned. Many are unenthused. The rabid and deranged (TDS) and the abortion until birth or busters will vote blue but the rest is a question.
Somehow the polls still show it close.
I don’t think it is, but that doesn’t matter. You have to vote like your life and liberty depend on it because they do. Every race, from the top to the bottom of the ballot. President, Congress, Governor, State Senate, and every available NH House Seat. Every race. Republican.
Not everyone will be able to hold their nose and do that, and I get it. You will write in some third name and walk away feeling like you’ve (at least) stuck to your principles. I agree, and I don’t. In New Hampshire, we are almost always a few slim votes from becoming Vermont. Keeping the legislature out of Democrats’ hands is our best defense; electing truly conservatarian-liberty candidates to higher statewide office in New Hampshire has been elusive, which is a polite way of saying nearly impossible. I can’t think of the last governor, Senator, or Congressperson who wasn’t more squishier than I’d like. We haven’t had a Republican to Congress since (is it Frank Guinta – and he sold out when he got there).
Even if we fixed our primaries, would we get Republicans who win district or statewide?
A Lily Tang Williams victory would break that cycle, but CD2 is a hard blue egg to crack, and Dark Money Maggie had an obscene amount of cash. Lily’s smokin’ viral takedown played well everywhere. People care about truth and liberty, but on the left side of New Hampshire, it might be too little too late. I can’t vote for Lily (I’m in CD-1), but if you can, please do.
Vote for every Republican down the ballot, in every town. Including the Republicans you might not think are worthy because in this state in this part of this century, we can’t seem to elect any other kind.
And here’s the thing. We can, at least, reach out to those Republicans. Possibly get their ear or that of an aide or someone with access.
If the Democrat wins, you’ll have zero access to influence. None – for as long as they hold that office. Locked out, cold shoulder, and all the policy crazy that comes with that, especially if we don’t keep the Executive Council, State House, or State Senate.
And yes, more than once, I have explained that they will never learn any lessons if we reward them with a win, but that’s a primary problem, not a general election, and at this juncture, the lesson might be the end of the New Hampshire Advantage.
By all means, disagree enthusiastically and always vote your conscience, but please, vote for every race, for Republicans – people you can reach and who might listen. If the National races go badly, it will be our only hope.