What is Sanborn SAU#17 Hiding Now? (Part 1)

by Ann Marie Banfield

Families and employees in SAU17 have been bothered by what’s happening in the schools for many years. It wasn’t that long ago that students were exposing the failures they experienced while attending Sanborn. In this case, students were making the case that administrators were misleading or even lying to parents.

Now that I’m asking for information on how employees are communicating with students and families, the district is stonewalling and not providing the information I requested. One has to ask, what do they have to hide? Residents and school board members should be outraged that this information is not available upon request through RSA 91-a law.

Original Request:

Dear Superintendent Ambrose:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA, 91-1), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records:

1) A copy of all emails or internal communications from the educators at Sanborn who are directing people to the GLSEN website through the link they provide in their emails.

2) A copy of all emails or internal communications, IF ANY, from educators at Sanborn who are directing people to GLAAD or other like minded NGOs.

3) A copy of all emails or internal communications, IF ANY, from educators at Sanborn who are directing people to any other political organizations who hold opposite viewpoints. (e.g. religious organizations, political organizations, etc)

Per RSA 91-A:4IV(C) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Ann Marie Banfield


Thomas AmbroseFri, Jun 28, 12:45 PM
to me

Hi Anne-Marie, 

We have compiled a folder of documents in response to your right to know request. Please schedule a time to come to the SAU by contacting Phyllis Kennedy at (603) 642-3688 x 222. We are on summer hours so I would recommend reaching out at least a few days in advance. 

Please note that we have deemed all emails between teachers and students and teachers and parents pertaining to a student’s sexuality to be student records and therefore we are not disclosing those. 

However, we are disclosing emails between teachers. 

Further, we have redacted names/emails to prevent invasion of privacy pursuant to 95-a:5, IV.Thanks,

Dr. Thomas J. Ambrose
SAU 17
Phone: (603) 642-3688 x 222
Fax: (603) 642-7885


Superintendent Ambrose,

Thank you for your email. I left a message, and will schedule a pick up.

In your email, you mention that you cannot provide some emails where the subject discussed was about a student’s sexuality.
You may not wish to provide the entire email, but my understanding is that an email is NOT a student record which is recorded in the IT system. An email is not such a student record but is a GOVERNMENT record – therefore this would not be a protection of privacy for a parent sending an email to a government worker. It then becomes Public.

A “student record” is an exception in 91-A:5,III:
III. Personal school records of pupils, including the name of the parent or legal guardian and any specific reasons disclosed to school officials for the objection to the assessment under RSA 193-C:6.
is only for a specific purpose of State Assessment Testing. Emails regarding sexuality are not part of a State Assessment.

Please identify the RSA 91:A , exception you are referencing.

VII. Unique pupil identification information collected in accordance with RSA 193-E:5. I am not requesting the UPI which doesn’t include a student’s name.

I’m unclear as to why you believe these government documents cannot be included in my 91-a request.

Ann Marie Banfield


Thomas Ambrose
8:24 AM (13 hours ago)
to me


The district Is following the guidance of legal counsel.

All emails between teachers and students and teachers and parents pertaining to a student’s sexuality are student records and cannot be disclosed.

We are disclosing emails between teachers.

Further, we have redacted names/emails to prevent invasion of privacy pursuant to 95-a:5, IV.

I know my administrative assistant reached out to you and schedule a time for you to come and review the documents.


Dr. Ambrose

SAU 17
Phone: (603) 642-3688 x 222
Fax: (603) 642-7885


Supt. Ambrose
I will be picking up what is available tomorrow.
You did not answer my direct question: Please identify the RSA 91:A , exception you are referencing.

I have been a leading voice in New Hampshire on the importance of student privacy. Everyday schools make available all kinds of personal data on students via technology vendors. No one blinks. You have no idea where that information is sent, once the tech vendor obtains it.

I have received information like this from other schools. They’ve redacted personal information.

Parents and taxpayers have the right to know what kind of advice, information, etc. is presented to the students you are educating. The public has the right to know how their tax dollars are spent in this district.

Personal information can, and should be redacted. That should be enough for you to provide the information I requested.

Ann Marie Banfield


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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