Is it Time for a Citizen Attorney General in NH?

James Madison wrote in The Federalist #48 that he worried about what he called; “the weakness of parchment barriers” to protect the liberties and property of people when the government increasingly draws all power into its vortex.

Paper, he felt, cannot offer protections to anyone – that is why checks and balances must be required.

Madison was right, and it is on full display here in NH -in our towns, legislature, and courts.

Civics and knowledge of the NH Constitution are not taught in schools, nor are they popular, nor are NH Citizens publically aware. This directly allows politicians free range to enact legislation that, in many cases, violates their oath of office, to bear faith and true allegiance to the NH Constitution. There is no real good faith legislative test before passage.

The New Hampshire Constitution provides that we, the citizens, have a right to require of our lawgivers and magistrates an exact and constant observance of them in the formation and execution of the laws necessary for the good administration of government. (Under; Part I, Article 38. Article 7., and Article 8.)

We, the people of NH, are the checks and balances I believe Madison was referring to. However, once legislation is passed, it takes a citizen(s) to challenge it in the court system vs the administrative state. The administrative state, in turn, uses your tax dollars to fight you. NH Attorney General represents the state!

Solutions begin with YOU. Jefferson warned us that without being sufficiently educated to provide oversight in that we would not function as a republic nor be able to self-govern. We are the “checks and balances.” Our elected officials need to be held personally and professionally responsible for not upholding their sworn oath of office.  (Not as it currently appears:  to political parties/actors, political organizations, or corporations.)

“You see if you do not know your rights, you simply do not have any!” (Daniel Richard/ Com. of Safety 2020)

 2nd Failure to honor their oaths requires; “We the people of NH” to get organized and involved in crafting legislation that would create an office of Citizen Attorney General or enact a Citizen Grand Jury. To directly represent citizens and challenge the administrative state, supported by community funds to offset the financial burden of self-representation or attorneys in these costly constitutional – and court challenges that must be fought!

Next time you pass those little American flags that grace a military tombstone remember they, too, swore an oath and paid the ultimate sacrifice to secure it. Let’s again honor their sacrifice and duty of OATH. Get off the couch, put down the remote and foolish App’s, and step up to rebuild the spirit of “parchment barriers” and our checks & balances of self-government.

Apathy is no longer an option – time is short!

In liberty and justice for all…


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