K. Jake Langlais is the Superintendent of the Lewiston Public Schools. Langlais sent a letter to the district population alerting them to what, based on his own words, appears to be a non-problem. Langlais says, “We want to be clear – to our knowledge, the families of our school community have gone through various immigration processes that are thorough.”
Superintendent Langlais wrote that in past interactions with ICE, the enforcement has been “specific to an individual and has been carried out with all the appropriate documentation and steps.”
“We have not had any interactions administratively that were carried out in any way outside of known protocols,” Langlais wrote.
Everyone is there legally, has been properly vetted, and they’ve never had an issue with ICE before, so…why are you scaring everyone? Is it because ICE has been authorized access to schools in pursuit of criminal aliens so they cannot hide there, and why would you hide a violent offender who broke into the country in a school? By your own admission, you don’t have any non-violent variety, so why the fearmongering?
Weak-kneed, ill-informed progressive would be my guess. Got the facts from Rachel Maddow, did you? Trump Hitler’s Immigration Gestapo are going to storm the school the way Biden’s FBI raided Mar-a-lago and any number of other political opponents’ homes?
Sorry, that’ll never happen in the real world. If you ever had an unvetted or undocumented member on staff, they’d ask to meet in private, have a chat, and then escort them out. No one would likely even know. But you don’t – that you know of – so again, not a problem except in the fractured minds of a liberal.
Any alien invasion pedos we should know about? Schools love to hide pedo and groomers, especially if they are citizens.
It wasn’t a total waste.
The superintendent reminded everyone that they don’t have to speak and are not required to give out student information. The list of tips and tricks included not consenting to a search (where was that during the pandemic?) and their having to present a warrant signed by a judge before entering your home (which also was not always required during the pandemic tyranny—against actual legal residents). But these are both good ideas whenever law enforcement comes knocking but priorities, yes? They make for an interesting contrast.
I wonder if Super Langlais has ever had a parent escorted out for objecting to cartoon porn or adult literature in their schools? Maybe
If it makes K. Jake feel any better, I doubt ICE is going to show up on someone’s doorstep without a warrant to arrest, detain, or deport someone. I expect a lot of attention to the details for this round of repatriations. And as long as you don’t decide to harbor known illegals, especially those with a criminal history, on school grounds, I think you’ll all be okay.
But thanks for scaring everyone needlessly.
BTW – I am told that the Lewiston School District is advised by the same law firm that all the New Hampshire Schools use. Drummond and Woodson. I did not confirm that the source is well-versed on the topic. Are they providing the same advice to schools in the Granite State?