
Here’s a biological fact. You can’t be a trans girl or transwoman unless you were born male. And no, this not my first rodeo with that inconvenient reality, nor is this the last. The mere suggestion twists so many progressive panties, whether there’s a penis in there or not, that it bears repeating.

Then there’s the girls’/women’s sports issue, which suffers from the same dilemma. To be a trans athlete, you had to have been born with the biological traits of the opposite sex. Factors that affect ability that no drug can suppress.

Being a boy who says they are a girls does not require you to stop being aroused by women and girls. Put another way, in the interest of pandering to the alleged rights of some small portion of people who may actually have gender dysphoria (and the even smaller number who would not outgrow it naturally), men of any age can get an entire political party to defend voyuerism and cross-dressing isn’t even a requirement.

Then there’s autogynephilia. Men wear women’s clothing to get aroused. Men who are still attracted to women. Democrats defend that because who doesn’t want an aroused cross-dressing heterosexual male in the same bathroom or locker room with your wife or daughter.

Democrat House Rep Jonah Wheeler makes a great argument against this (if you missed it).

“If there are women who feel unsafe, if there are women who feel their space has become not private, then we should listen to them.”

You will undoubtedly recall the Harvey Weinstein # BelieveWomen era. It was mostly liberal women who had stood idly by, letting other women get abused, trying to assuage their guilt. – only after a few brave women took a stand. The entire progressive project is like that, while its solutions make everything worse for everyone except for the political class and its oligarchs.

There’s a lot of looking the other way until or unless acknowledging something has the potential to advance political power. #BelieveWomen. #HandUpDontShoot. Ukraine is about the fascist forever-war economy, a lesson taken from Wilson. The moral equivalent of war can’t hold a candle to actual war but it isn’t because they care.

None of that is real. It is about resource control and the best resource to control is political power.

If they cared about the environment, for example, they’d divest from China, Africa, and India – the world’s biggest polluters.

Democrats weaponized nearly every federal agency under Obama and then armed them, so we know they love guns. What they fear is not having a force majority when they try to take the rest of your freedoms away.

Like the freedom to fair competition against biological peers in athletics or the right not to fear a man who puts on a dress to share their bathroom or locker room because it gives him access to prey.

No, they are not all like that but under the tennets of progressivism, if it means saving one life from rape, assault, murder, or all of the above, it is better to “disarm” the innocent than risk aiding and abetting the guilty.

If even one woman doesn’t want men in their sports or their bathrooms, Democrats need to believe them and then abide them. You are not denying anyone else their rights. A biological man in a skirt can play men’s or co-ed sports the same way a woman who thinks she’s a man can play in co-ed or women’s sports.

Biology will always matter, and pretending won’t change that.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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