The trouble with Air Traffic Control is much worse than anyone wants to admit.
Whenever I see Pearson Vue linked to a government organization, I see threats to the security of the United States. Pearson Vue is not American, and Pearson’s former United States headquarters is not admirable. Regarding government spending, we should reconsider the UK media company Pearson, which administers US federal government-standardized testing, such as the Air Traffic Control ATSA test.
Long before being publicly known as Pearson Vue, the now proctor of the US Air Traffic Control test, Pearson’s Whitehall Securities in the 1920s entered the realm of Aviation. By 1935, Pearson held financial interest in United Airways and British Airways, but this relationship was brief, and Pearson exited aviation in 1959. 60+ years later, with no skin in the aviation game and decades of corruption, tax evasion, and woke agendas, all signs point to the immediate and total overhaul of US Air Traffic Control testing in the name of US National Security.
Pearson plc is a holding company that conducts business through subsidiaries and affiliates. It has testing/teaching centers in over 55 countries and an astounding 300+ subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide. Some have been accused of being shell companies. After all, a few affiliates are in the Virgin Islands and Bahamas, which are not precisely known to be tax- or law-abiding.
Private Eye magazine blasted the UK company’s former Pearson CEO, Dame Marjorie Scardino, for “tax-dodging.” Somebody can undoubtedly scrub the internet of dirty deeds. Still, the original article, which has vanished, is mentioned directly via data archives on AWS; data is hard to erase, even if you are a Dame and CEO of a media company.
THE Financial Times is unimpressed by the UK government’s agreement with Switzerland to crack down on tax fiddlers. “Anti-evasion deal too easy to evade,” its editorial laments. And the Pink’ Un should know. As the Eye has reported, the FT’s parent company Pearson has moved some assets to Luxembourg to reduce its UK tax bill; chief executive Dame Marjorie Scardino has arranged her London housing via an offshore holding company in Jersey to minimize her potential tax liability; and chairman Glen Moreno is a former trustee of Liechtenstein Global Trust, a private bank which exists to promote tax-dodging on a grand scale through the principality’s famous secrecy.
Given that former New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez is about to serve 11 years for corruption, it should come as no surprise that Pearson’s US headquarters, which is now defunct, was once based in New Jersey. 2012 Pearson received an Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit of up to $66 million over 10 years for keeping 900 jobs in northern New Jersey.
On the East Coast in 2013, New York’s Attorney General investigated Pearson, and the company’s charitable arm agreed to pay $7.7 million in fines after the investigation discovered criminal acts that some called “bribes.” On the West Coast, California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris failed to investigate Pearson and its charitable arm. However, at the request of a grand jury, the US Attorney’s office slapped Los Angeles public schools with subpoenas in late 2014, and the FBI arrived at LA public school offices to collect 20 boxes of evidence covered in the word PEARSON. The Feds later dropped the investigation under President Obama’s administration.
Little changed, and the contracts kept on. In 2015, New Jersey expected to pay Pearson as much as $108 million over the next four years to produce the PARCC exams in its public schools. The for-profit company had similar contracts in other states that administered PARCC. These Pearson and US contracts remain among the largest testing deals in US history.
We were warned about Pearson by President Bush’s administration on February 8, 2008, when the Department Of Justice Antitrust Division published a Public Notice: Department Of Justice Antitrust Division United States V. Pearson PLC, Pearson Education Inc., Reed Elsevier PLC, Reed Elsevier NV, And Harcourt Assessment Inc.; Proposed Final Judgment And Competitive Impact Statement.
The Justice Department terrifyingly addressed that Pearson wanted to monopolize US personality profiling via a $950 million acquisition of clinical testing. The federal notice stated:
Pearson and Harcourt both develop, publish, market, sell, and distribute individually-administered standardized norm-referenced comprehensive clinical tests
I read it. Did anyone else?
Children and federal employees became guinea pigs in the Pearson personality testing, which included emotional assessment testing, whose sole goal was to profile the minds of US children and federal employees. The company then expanded its US operations on its vast corporate campus in Upper Saddle River in Bergen County, New Jersey. One can only wonder about the relationship between criminal Sen. Menendez and Pearson CEO Dame Scardino.
When Pearson won the multi-state PARCC testing used in US schools and secured its federal workforce contracts, it was billing itself as the “world’s largest education company.”
“Pearson is the poster child for the corporatization of public education, and it has been a terrible corporate citizen here in New Jersey,” said Analilia Mejia, executive director of New Jersey Working Families.
New Jersey then granted Pearson $82.5 million in tax breaks when it moved (again) 600+ employees from its US headquarters in Upper Saddle River into its new offices in Hoboken rather than relocating them out of state, but this was after receiving the original tax break to move to Upper Saddle River. This is a lot of Pearson moving around the same state…
Pearson also received another $13.5 million in tax breaks and other incentives in New York for moving some of its employees to new offices in Manhattan.
Given the 300+ LIST OF SIGNIFICANT SUBSIDIARIES on the Security Exchange Commission public filing linked to Pearson Vue and the fact that China has been raiding China-based media companies in the name of Chinese National Security, it is highly likely one of Pearson’s twelve “media” subsidiaries located in China will experience a raid if it hasn’t already happened.
Another US-headquartered firm, Bain & Co. of Boston, Massachusetts, was raided by Chinese authorities in Shanghai. Chinese police confiscated computers and phones and then questioned staff. How much “Clinical Testing,” aka personality profiling data collected by Pearson from US children and federal employees, is stored on computers, hard drives, servers, chips, etc., at Pearson’s China-based affiliates? As a country, we should be scared that Pearson Corporate Management Consulting Co Ltd is a subsidiary located in Shanghai, China.
China gaining access to Pearson’s data threatens US National Security. Pearson collected data about personality and psychology from federal employees and US children via its US contracts in 50+ federal fields, such as air traffic control. Pearson doubled down with child data mining via its 12+ state public school government contracts. The data that Pearson mined is likely on servers in China via its Chinese subsidiaries and is available via a raid by the Chinese government, which they have conducted since 2023. If Pearson were willing to pay $950 million to monopolize personality profiling, how much would they sell the collected data for?
What Are the Sections on the US Air Traffic Control AT-SA test administered by Pearson Vue?
- Memory Game
- Memory/ Variables
- Spatial/ Visual Relationship
- ATC Simulation
- Word Problems
- Personality Test
- Reading Comprehension
Sample Pearson Air Traffic Control Question: (clearly not written in the United States)
Experts agree that arts and culture are an important part of the economy, but the precise relationship is complicated. The main question is does investment in the arts stimulate growth, or are the arts the product of economic development? It would seem that the case for continued arts funding is clear-cut — enjoying the arts (visiting art galleries and theatres) boosts the economy. Yet some argue that the link between arts investment and economic output is tenuous. Researchers today are exploring a different angle of this relationship. They are trying to understand how the subjective value of the arts — the ‘happiness factor’ — may translate into economic benefits. According to the “happiness factor” hypothesis, when a place develops a critical mass of arts and vibrancy it tends to attract talented people which, in turn, tends to raise income.
Which of the following assumptions can definitely be made based on the above paragraph?
A) Subsidizing cultural activities leads to economic growth.
B) The “happiness factor” effect on the economy is still unclear.
C) Economic development contributes to the establishment of the arts.
D) The “happiness factor” focuses on the influence of talented artistic people on the economy.
Pardon me, but is this a joke? The above question is personality profiling, not aviation. Now that millions of United States citizens have supplied data to Pearson through its infiltration of the federal government and public schools, we have weakened the country’s security at the highest level. That’s a Fact. Another fact is that a UK media company with servers in China, where the Chinese government is currently raiding media companies, should not be testing a single US child or federal employee because… that is stupid.
What is not stupid is that the son of a former Libyan Dictator once acquired Pearson shares. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi bought 26.5 million shares of Pearson. At the time, in 2010, the investment was worth around $300 million. It was not a bad investment; however, shortly after acquiring shares of Pearson, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi had an arrest warrant issued for him by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for charges of crimes against humanity for killing Libyan civilians.
The fact that Pearson is part of the United States Air Traffic Controllers hiring process defines insanity. When will Pearson be charged with crimes against the American people? I am not Pearson’s audience. If the “happiness factor” of US Air Traffic Control is relevant to planes landing instead of crashing, I will stop flying. For the love of God, you can’t make this up.