NOLA Police Chief Prolly Happy LA Has An Incompetent Mayor and Fire Chief

by Steve MacDonald

Anne Kirkpatrick got the ass end of the cybersphere handed to her on New Year’s Day and for several days following it. She looked like another clueless diversity hire, a problem she failed to resolve – much like Plan B (Kamal Harris) – by opening her mouth and speaking. People died, and her response didn’t make things better.

The internet takes no prisoners.

Even the CyberTruck explosion in Vegas could not detract from the negative attention Chief Kirkpatrick was on the losing end of. That problem has since resolved itself, thanks to woke LA Mayor Karen Bass and woke LA Fire Chief Kristin M. Crowley. Thanks to their collectivist fubar, Kirkpatrick fell out of the news cycle, bam!

This big, new, shiny incompetence followed in the wake of the four fires eating LA County. The people in charge, at least in name, appeared to have spent their time in office defunding the County and City fire department budgets and using those fewer resources to address the … diversity problem. In an overdeveloped place that’s very dry, has high winds, and s prone to fire.

No one bothered to tell fire about diversity. You’d have thought mandatory re-education training was in order. The firefighters certainly got that. But not fire. Equity and Inclusion, on the other hand, is natural. It doesn’t care about anything but oxygen and fuel. It includes everyone equally.

Should we talk about emissions? How will the DEI Mayor and Chief offset all the social justice emanating from that? Thousands of Americans lost their homes and everything in them, which for many means everything. Race, color, sex, age, occupation, assets, or income made any difference. Megyn Kelly has some words that should light a match on an already dry and droughty DEI/Woke problem.

In contrast, a corporate brush fire has been clearing it out of big business for months as they dump woke policies and use the cultural shift to clean out dead weight from the payroll in a high-inflation economy. It is a fire that is needed, not just in the LA county public service sphere, but everywhere it puts taxdollars into these bottomless DEI holes at the expense of everything from education to public safety.

This clip clip opens with the guy who lost to the woke mayor (Karen Bass), followed by Megyn just killing it with a multi-megaton nuclear truth bomb.

Arson, by the way, is on the table for at least one of the fires, likely more because?

And everyone in their right mind has to consider how badly they want this.

More on that.


“Los Angeles’ Green New Deal is a Paris Agreement-compatible Climate Action Plan setting ambitious, aggressive goals for the city’s future. It tackles the climate emergency with accelerated targets, strengthens the economy and community resilience, expands access to healthy food and open green space, and sets the city on a course to be carbon neutral by 2050.

  • Building a zero carbon electricity grid — reaching 80% renewable energy supply by 2036, on route toward 100% renewables by 2045.
  • Creating a Jobs Cabinet to bring city, labour, education and business leaders together to support a goal of creating 300,000 green jobs by 2035, and 400,000 by 2050.
  • Mandating that all new municipally-owned buildings and major renovations are all-electric, effective immediately, and that every building in Los Angeles — from skyscrapers to single family homes — become zero emission by 2050.
  • Achieving a zero waste future by phasing out styrofoam by 2021, ending the use of plastic straws and single-use takeout containers by 2028, and no longer sending any waste to landfills by 2050.
  • Recycling 100% of wastewater by 2035; sourcing 70% of water locally, which is a significant increase from the city’s existing pathway; and nearly tripling the maximum amount of stormwater captured.

Back in the real world, circa 2022-2023, California had significant precipitation and snowfall. Back then, we suggested California would do nothing substantial to capture that natural liquid windfall thanks to environmental activists and bone-headed democrat politicians. It didn’t happen; Gavin Nuisance is, I hear, mighty excited about some super-duper super-rail project.

Is anyone rethinking their recall election votes yet?

The lower half of Cali is built over a lot of desert. That’s why it’s so damn dry and droughty. You’d think they’d see the uniqueness of the situation and act accordingly when nature hands them so much moisture. Well, they did act – the way Democrats do, and the budget-cut, underfunded, undermanned, diversity-handicapped firefighters had no water to fight the fires. What isn’t a social injustice about that?

You hired more left-handed albino lesbians than anyone, then left them without any water to fight fires.

And now, Co Cal has got what we could call nature’s equity. Just like storms, floods, and tornadoes, when you build out and populate places with a long history of high risk of natural catastrophes (drought desert, high winds [Santa Annas)] and risk of fire – for example), a diversity of response options is what is needed.

While this is tragic and sad, and our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who lost something or everything during these fires, if you recently houseless folks don’t learn a lesson and 1) move, 2) change who you vote for, and 3) make them accountable regardless of their LGBTQ status,- it is going to happen again, and again.

Despite what they keep telling you, they work for you. You are human resources. And you need to fire these assholes and find someone new. Up and down the ticket. Local, county, statewide, and, while we’re at it, nationally.

Start now, every election, until you’ve burned out all the gunk, or keep doing what you are doing and act surprised when nothing changes.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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