OMG – They’re Planning A Coup Against Trump

James O’Keefe, former frontman for Project Veritas and now head of O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), released video footage today on the social media app X revealing an apparent coup attempt being planned by members of the Joint Chiefs and former military generals and ambassadors. 

The confession was made by former F.B.I. Special Agent Jamie Mannina who claimed to be working for the Joint Chiefs. The investigation revealed he was a contractor for hire with the Joint Chiefs on loan from Booz Allen Hamilton.

In a roughly twenty minute video we see Mannina dining with a digitally disguised female who asks him basic questions about his job.  Mannina, who calls himself a “spy hunter”, decides to share what appears to be secret information regarding a meeting in “the tank” with “military leaders, former military generals and ambassadors”.  He does not name names, however his verbal diarrhea goes so far as to indicate the meeting could be considered an attempted coup of the Trump Administration.

In one exchange at dinner, he refers to Trump as a “narcissistic sociopath who’s only interested in advancing his name, his wealth and fame”.  Mannina also shared his history with the D.C. establishment began with Hillary Clinton who he says he followed to the State Department and has worked for off and on since college. 

Mannina was also caught on video trying to solicit a sexual encounter with a minor back in 2021.  Video footage ala To Catch A Predator shows Mannina confronted by two journalists and a film crew as the voice of a young teenage girl he met in a house in the DC area can be heard discussing what she’s willing to do with him.  A visibly embarrassed Mannina makes a quick exit as he tells the crew he does not consent to be videotaped.  Yet somehow, he was still working for Booz Allen Hamilton and contracted by the Joint Staff using taxpayer dollars.

OMG released two other videos related to the story.  The first is a teaser to the personal exchange James O’Keefe had while confronting Mannina, which is to air tomorrow, and the second a response letter and phone call from Joseph R. Holstead with the Joint Staff Public Affairs.  The letter confirms Mannia’s contract via Booz Allen with the Joint Staff, while the phone call Holstead indicates Mannina has been fired as a result of the investigation.  Both the letter and the phone call deny Mannina’s claims about a secret meeting in “the tank” with military officials. 

Though the Joint Chief denied Mannina’s secret meeting claims, a search of his LinkedIn profile indicates his other claims are consistent with the video.  Namely his time at George Washington University, Booz Allen, the FBI, and the State Department.  This raises the question, was Mannina merely trying to impress his young female date and merely a security risk to the United States, or was he, in fact, part of an attempt to undermine the incoming President of the United States with the help of current military officials? 

We will follow the story closely as it’s reported by OMG on X.


  • Aaron Warner

    Mr. Warner began writing after growing tired of having so much to say and so few who would listen. He hails originally from Portland, Oregon, now living in the Upper Valley area of Vermont.  His passion is for spreading truth and exposing lies.  Like one of his heroes Andrew Breitbart he believes "If you can't sell freedom you suck.". He is GraniteGrok's regional contributor from the Upper Valley of NH / VT

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