On Tuesday, November 5th, We, The People of all (voting) ages and ethnicities, made history by joining the millions of early voters in our country and electing Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States.
That fact alone is not necessarily historic. Donald Trump not only won convincingly in the electoral college but also beat Kamala Harris by about 6 million popular votes.
That is the history-maker, folks: the Electoral College and the popular vote. It was the largest electoral victory in 36 years.
Before I get to brass tax, I want to acknowledge Scott Presler for putting his time and health into moving our party forward and the new RNC leadership for using resources to bring success and tradition back to America.
Thank you all!
Mitch McConnell is retiring due to some very apparent health issues, and the establishment GOP is ramping up to help Democrats derail the next four years.
John Cornyn and John Thune seem to be the current top vote-getters. These two are, in my opinion, never-Trump politicians who already blocked him from recess appointments in his first term. They will undoubtedly stare the American mandate in the face and defend their decisions later.
Social media has declared Florida senator Rick Scott the clear favorite. He has already kissed the ring and has been endorsed by Vivek Ramaswamy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and the great Elon Musk.
Online poll after online poll has Rick Scott up big if you will, and the establishment senators are too damn busy trying to pick up brownie points with Schumer and the minority Democrats.
I guess I’m lucky to live in a state that elects perpetually useless ideologues who rail against conservatism at all costs. I’d hate to live in one of their districts and have to deal with the fact that my representation cares more about personal political standing than the overwhelming country-changing, history-changing mandate I voted for.
The first two years of the second Trump administration will be marred in infighting and the eventual cannon fodder for CNN and MSDNC if either Cornyn or Thune becomes Senate majority leader.
I encourage everyone to write to senators Cruz, Kennedy, Graham, Daines, McConnell, Thune, and Cornyn and demand they end this pursuit and step aside for a truly America First leader.
After what we all did on Tuesday and the weeks before early voting, we all deserve to know that our vision for the direction of this country will be respected and, most importantly, implemented.
I see 2026 as a bad year for establishment senators.
You can’t piss off The Popular Vote and keep your seat!