Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue!

*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


Related to Helene:

In the book “The Hunt for Red October” there’s a quote early on, to the effect that the chance someone spills the beans on a classified project is proportional to the square of the number of people in on it. So I look at what does – with some evidence – seem to indicate some level of storm control, and ask… how is it possible that so many would have to be in on it, but nobody’s blabbed? Especially not when pictures of the devastation, plus news of the dead, are coming out?

Throughout the ages there have been predators that prey on the desperate.

Doubtless to be recycled back to purchases from US companies who then kick back to the Big Guy.

Bordering on? James, James, James… Communists have been willing to murder untold millions to bring about paradise on earth.

And have the politicians doing this look at Americans with a straight face to say “No, we’re not replacing you”…

From here:

American Veteran on the ground in North Carolina describes what’s happening after Hurricane Helene

“This is another story from Western North Carolina. This is from an Iraq veteran who’s in the area. He says this entire area is a war zone. Even if not directly destroyed by floodwaters.

There are men, women and children starving without water and sanitation, no fuel. People can’t get to any distro points because they have no fuel. People are walking on foot and dragging wagons. The majority of federal and state assets are being diverted to the incorporated areas of Asheville, Black Mountain, etc. and without a deliberate effort yet into the rural unincorporated areas. This was written earlier in the week.

I can confirm now that helicopter crews are day in day out all day 24 7 to evacuate people from their smaller unincorporated towns as well as get supplies into them. He goes on people are suffering and communities are rapidly moving to isolation and self-defense policing. Trigger warning for this next part. There are bodies floating down the rivers there are bodies stuck in the tops of trees.

Linemen entering destroyed areas are finding dozens of children as young as three walking through the mud near naked, crying for their parents, some with ropes still tied around their arms, attached to broken lumber, where clearly their dead parents had last ditched, tied them to something. I was talking to a lineman yesterday, how he’s finding heads and limbs every time debris is removed. Entire communities are gone.

Just gone, gone, nothing to repair. And in some of the areas, just no one to even help anymore. Just bodies with a stench increasing by the day. The death count will be in the thousands.

Desperation is increasing. Local rural gas stations, markets, et cetera, have clear militias forming with men in hodgepodge gear and rifles patrolling. We are self-policing now.”

Video at the link. Another one:

🚨 FEMA Didn’t supply any of this !

Kamala Harris didn’t supply any of this!

Biden didn’t supply any of this !

They are now taking credit for all the food and supplies the Hurricane Helene Victims received. It’s a BULL!

I was on the ground! The Church Community, Non Profits, Volunteers and Americans from all over donated food and supplies!

I will not sit back and let them take credit for something they didn’t do!

Let it be Known!

Also a video at the link. And then this, which I view as speculative, but…

Your Government, Ladies and Gentlemen! FEMA Tells NC Town It Can’t Help Because of ‘Road Closed’ Signs – Twitchy

Of course, the dead will vote. The living, not so much:

If they’re dead, they’re voting “D” for sure.


It wasn’t a blunder. It was an arms transfer.

Aid and Comfort

No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough. “Gunman” dies??????

I used to think seed oils were healthy until I learned how they were made… related:

We haven’t tarred and feathered politicians for a long time. And it shows.

I remember our pediatrician saying NO PEANUT BUTTER. I mixed a little into their formula bottles. Only years later did they say “The science has changed”… and belatedly admitted I was right.

Defund and kick out.



And that’s just the public debt; depending on what estimate you read, there could be 100 trillion or more in “unfunded liabilities”. That’s just in the US. The more I look, the more I think that when the crash does come and all that global debt collapses on itself, we’re going to be shocked at how small the actual reality-based-not-debt-based economic pile really is. Well, those of us still alive will be.


No entity voluntarily puts themselves out of business.

And some of the follow-ups:

Note: Only in this ONE INSTANCE can “refugee” status be passed generationally. Which is why you get mega-millionaires Bella and Gigi Hadid, supermodels living larger than, well, 99%, claiming they’re refugees. On those two in particular, somehow the word “refugee” does not comport with the image:


Important distinction. I try to buy local where I can, and organic then. And only then, if organic is not available, the one on the Left.

Got to give the Fakestinians credit – they’re good at recycling.



I’ve said over and over, I do NOT want Spicy Time, here in the US or anywhere. But increasingly I’m very much afraid that open violence is the only thing that will give us a chance. Not a guarantee, but at least a chance. We’re seeing the wisdom of JFK Jr. here:

jfk peaceful and violent revolutions

The Globalists have made peaceful revolution impossible, thwarting changes made through protests, free speech, and voting. And while they doubtless want to push us to violence, I don’t think it will go quite the way they’ve planned… and all the damage, let alone loss of life, is on their heads – and souls.

And the police? They’ll Just Follow Orders. This is from the UK.

People are being arrested in the UK for planning or suspected of planning a rally for human rights, civil liberty and cultural preservation

Notice how the police travel in packs.


Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

Working on a Link Smorgasbord. The below courtesy of my friend.

Top of the fold:

If you have money in the Bank of America, better get it out:

Despite the denials from the Dems that Haitians are using pet animals for food, here’s actual video of one hacking up a pet with a machete – CONTENT WARNING!!!!

Looks like the Chinese have accessed a “back door” built into most software by the US Government (so the US Government can wire-tap in, supposedly w/ a warrant) but it allowed the Chinese to siphon out a huge amount of data from American networks.  Remember a couple years ago when the Government wanted back doors into everything?  And the Cyber experts said “that’s a really bad idea, because it opens up vulnerabilities”.  Well, looks like the Deep State did it anyway, even though it’s illegal:

Regular links:

Apparently, Hillary Clinton is now openly saying that if the government does not control speech, they will “lose control”:

Same story from another site:

And another:

This story adds in John Kerry, who talked about the government needing to censor speech last week:

George Orwell predicted “double-speak” in his book 1984, and now it’s been “made real” in our media:


In the “you don’t hate the media enough” department:

CBS’s 60 minutes had a softball interview with Kamala Harris, but even there she couldn’t give a straight answer.  So they edited her interview to make her look better:

Original version:

Edited version:

Also, James O’Keefe of OMG has recently published an undercover video showing that MSNBC is describing themselves as a “mouthpiece for the Democrat Party”, and doing everything they can to help Kamala win.  So much for “non-partisan” or “unbiased” journalism:

NOTE:  I support OMG (and donate as I can), and I think others should support them too, but that is your choice.

Another great article by Victor Davis Hanson, where he discusses the need for “renaissance people”:

We Are in Need of Renaissance People › American Greatness (

The American government is becoming increasingly hostile to the American people.  At what point to withdraw our “consent to be governed”?


More related:

The Deep State wants us dead (or at least heavily controlled):

Even though the lawfare against President Trump has died down a bit over the last couple months, it’s still very active & trying to sway the election:


Somewhat related to the above, Jeffery Carter has a great treatise on the incompetence in our government agencies:

Big tech, looking for “green” ways to power their ever-increasing servers, are now seriously looking at nuclear:

From Claire Wolfe, a treatise on good and evil:

FEMA says is has no money to help the citizens of NC recover from Hurricane Helene, but the government spent $16.2B on medical for illegal aliens:

And they gave millions more to help with “equity”:

While folks in NC cannot get food and water, the head of FEMA (Secretery My-Orc-Ass) decided to go shopping for high-end menswear:

N adds: “Let them wear Gucci”?


It certainly looks like FEMA is actively working AGAINST private citizens who are coming to the aid of their fellow Americans:

Also related:

Since FEMA is incompetant (at best), the White House should step in a direct a change of course.  But who, exactly, is running the Country these days?

N adds: None of that will matter to a lot of people. Because “Orange Man Bad”.

Despite all the issues here in America, Slow Joe is going on a tour to Germany:

A sheriff “on the ground” in the remains of Chimney Rock, NC, tells FEMA that they are a “boat anchor” and should just get “out of the way”:


But FEMA is worried about the “misinformation” making them look bad.  You Think?


In the “tin foil hat” category, 

there are a LOT of people saying the government “steered” the storm to cause this devastation:


More from a different source:

The Deep State does not like those who oppose it, and every since Elon Musk bought (and freed) Twitter the DS is making life very hard for him & his businesses:

Related:  This is a GREAT interview with Elon Musk by Tucker Carlson.  Well worth the 1.75hrs of your time:

In the interview mentioned above, Elon Musk notes that the Dems have allowed enough illegals into the country that there will never be a “fair” election again:

FRAUD: Democrats Pushing to Flood Election with 5 Million Fake Overseas Votes – The Lid (

N adds: And from what I hear / read, massive numbers of the women are pregnant already.

And Finally, a couple things to feel good about:

The WEF has been pushing us to eat bugs for several years now, but people are resisting:

Folks in Appalachia have had about enough of FEMA, and are starting to push back.  Will this start CW 2.0?  Maybe, but anyone going against the official narrative is “bad” in the Deep States eye’s, so keep your head on a swivel  This woman’s rant (8.75 min) is really good (language alert):

In the above video, she mentions a video interview (36 min) with General Flynn.  Even if you don’t watch the whole video, watch until 15:15 or so:


Interesting observation! Kind of related:

Any edifice built on rape, pedophilia, etc., deserves to fall.

No need for orders from above. A few simple rules is all it takes:

Ideological Superorganisms – Granite Grok

I would pay good money – if I had any money right now – just to be a fly on the wall of the DNC as SCOTUS is slanted MAGA for generations.

But… but… but it’ll be SO CONVENIENT!!!! And that’s how they’ll sell it. Convenience and security.



Pick of the Post:

All sorts of factors here. The Jab, of course, but this is pre-Jab data I think. But it’s society not valuing children, valuing self over posterity, having a positive view of the future, declining fertility from chemicals, etc. in our food and drink (MAHA!)…

DINK is a real thing. My surviving sister will never have grandchildren. One of her sons is in a happily-DINK marriage; the other is married to an older woman past her child-bearing years.

I note that Kazakhstan’s doing pretty well. Not surprised. When we were there every apartment complex had a kid’s playground built in, central to it. Everywhere. Parks had numerous playgrounds. Women were out pregnant, or with strollers, and multi-children families were common. The entire society was clearly oriented and looking towards future generations.


Palate cleansers:



Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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