Knucklehead Labels* Half of America Nazis

Steve MacDonald

Tampon Tim is an admitted knucklehead, not adept with firearms, and struggling to achieve escape velocity as something more than the dopey-Marxist Muppet he plays on the campaign trail. I’m sure this will help.

Tim’s ideological ancestors inspired Hitler, which is something he keeps forgetting to add in his notes. They were also huge fans of early fascism until they realized it was competing with communism for the same sorts of narcissistic, psychopathic, resentment-driven, tyrannically-minded assholes. A perfect description of their founding father, Karl Marx, a freeloading, near-do-well with a chronic entitlement problem.

Nor can we forget Vladimir Lenin’s inspirational words to modern progressives (which they follow with diligence and fervor).

“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding, and concealing truth.… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn towards those who disagree with us.”

Sounds familiar, yes?

As for muppet Walz, his only redeeming characteristic is that he might be a worse candidate for any office than Kamala herself (though he has, at least, had to get voters to vote for him ). But he’s not helping her get them by comparing Trump’s Madison Square Rally to a Nazi rally in 1939 – though, in his defense, everyone in the mainstream media is aping the imagery.

But if you see the crowd shots, it is a dangerous path.* There were Muslims, Jews, Catholics, women, and minorities of every shade. From working class to middle-managers to execs, the place was stuffed with the very cross-section of Americans the Democrat party insists they will represent. Calling it a big tent is an understatement and in the heart of blue New York City. People seemed excited to see Trump and his entourage and to hear what they had to say about the election and the country’s future.

A lot of people.

Konstantin Kisin, who was in NYC, attended the rally to see would show up to such a thing and had this to report.

By the time I arrived at midday, people had been standing in line since early morning. The diversity of Nazis on display was unbelievable: Black Nazis, Latino Nazis, Asian Nazis, white Nazis, female Nazis and lots and lots of Jewish Nazis were all assembled in an orderly line, chatting politely to each other and cracking jokes. It was terrifying.


[A] radio personality called Sid Rosenberg was on stage. Hmm, Rosenberg, I thought to myself. Typical Nazi name. He had apparently just returned from Israel which he claimed both he and the President support. I couldn’t help noticing that every time he mentioned Israel the Nazi scum, who had by this point filled the stadium to the rafters, cheered and clapped. “This is just like one of Hitler’s rallies,” I said to the man next to me who was wearing some sort of skullcap. He laughed as if I’d said something funny and resumed cheering, holding up his bigoted “Jews for Trump” sign.

You can keep comparing them to Nazis, of course, but does that impress anyone beyond voters who would light themselves on fire and leap into a vat of jet fuel before voting for Donald Trump? You know, the people who took a break from their gig as a Democrat campaign aide, Soros-funded activist (journalist?), or aspiring online influencer (if and where those differ) to attend a Walz rally.

You are also saying that anyone who doesn’t support Harris Walz is an enemy of your America. Given how Biden-Harris treats dissent, you’ve just blacklisted half the population, some of whom you’ll need to vote for you a week from Tuesday unless you don’t think you need those votes.

I wonder why that might be.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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