Exchange Student Alleges Tim Walz Groomed Him

Aaron Warner
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A foreign exchange student from Kazakhstan has shared allegations of an improper grooming relationship involving Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. 

An hour long interview conducted by Zak Paine, host of the podcast Red Pill 78, aired on its website October 5th.  The episode title “Grooming Allegations Against Tim Walz By Former Student” is making the rounds on social media, especially in the comments sections of popular videos. 

The interview begins with Paine setting up the format by explaining that the young man’s name will be changed, as will his voice, via a modulation device to protect his identity.  The pseudonymous “Jack” is still unable to talk about the matter without these protections out of fear for his family and adverse reactions from people in Kazakhstan.  However, he apparently felt compelled to share his experience given the current rise of Walz to potentially the office of Vice President of the United States.

The story takes place in 2004 when Jack, then sixteen, came to Minnesota via the FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) program run by the State Department. Paine, whose stated goal with his alternative media is to expose corruption, explains to Jack the human trafficking pipeline around the world has been, at times, associated with programs like these.  Jack is asked to explain his entrance into the program, which includes a battery of questions about his family life and aspirations, which fit the first step in a grooming process.

Given the highly sensitive nature of these accusations Paine takes a moment to tell the listeners he has independently confirmed Jack’s participation in the program as well as the general elements to be discussed.

Jack is asked to describe his initial relationship with Walz, who we’re told taught at least three of the classes Jack was taking.  At one point, Jack has personal items stolen from his locker and is told by a teacher that there is nothing they can do about it.  Upset and nearly crying on his desk, Jack is approached by Walz, who then takes him to a private classroom, apparently attempting to comfort him.  Jack relates that Walz touched him repeatedly throughout, in ways he found “weird.” 

From there, the relationship continued, with Walz taking Jack on walks and lengthy conversations.  At first, Walz would ask about Jack’s life in Kazakhstan, but then the questions become sexual in nature as Walz probed about Jack’s crushes or interests in other students. Looking back, Jack says he now sees what was happening, but at the time, he felt alone despite having a host family.  He also had difficulty making friends and no ability to connect to his family in Kazakhstan.  Walz became the ideal adult who genuinely seemed to care.

However, Walz is said to have pursued private time with Jack, stating they could “share secrets” and life in America was different than in Kazakhstan, namely, being gay is acceptable in America.  Walz, who was the first teacher advisor to Minnesota’s first after-school gay-straight kids club, broached the subject more than once with Jack, which made him “feel bad.”  Though he never took him to the club Jack said he felt like Walz was trying to get him to explore the option.

Later, Walz offered to teach Jack to swim, at which point Jack recounts Walz supporting his body in the water and moving his hands from his back to his legs and then his buttocks, making Jack so uncomfortable that he excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Jack says he and Walz got into an argument on more than one occasion and when Jack implied he might tell others he was threatened by Walz “no one would believe you” and result in Jack being deported and losing his credit within the program.  So Jack remained quiet until he returned to Kazakhstan. 

Eventually, he decided to pay for counseling, noting he couldn’t even talk about it until a few sessions in.  Paine asked if he knew of any other kids in the program with similar experiences, and though none mentioned Walz specifically, Jack says several kids were abused, including one girl, not from Kazakhstan, who was raped but also too scared to say anything for fear of deportation.  At this point, Jack begins to break down and cry as the interview concludes.

None of this is hard evidence that Walz is guilty, however stories of politicians engaged in grooming, pedophilia or prostitution have exploded over the years.  Famous cases of high ranking officials include UK Prime Minister Edward Heath, former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-Ill), Senator Barney Frank (D-MA), call boys in the Carter-Reagan-Bush administrations, the Franklin Cover-Up involving Nebraska politicians, Epstein Island which saw Israeli PM Ehud Barak, Bill Clinton,  Governor Bill Richardson (NM) and Al Gore among others, a Senate staffer filming himself in a congressional chamber last year, Madison Cawthorn alleging he was invited by fellow representatives to drug fueled orgies, the recent Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs debacle and many others. 

Why do the halls of power seem to attract this type of individual?  The question contains the answer – power.  Predators exert power over their prey, and this is true of sexual exploitation.  However, there is another power source involved, as was seen with the Epstein fiasco, namely the intelligence community. Alex Acosta the investigating US Attorney was told he “belonged to intelligence” and to “leave him alone”.  Epstein’s was one of any number of “honey trapping” operations where politicians are filmed participating in often illegal sex acts used to blackmail them when it comes to their vote.  Epstein, partner to Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of triple agent (MI-5, Mossad, KGB) Robert Maxwell, is rumored to have been working for both the CIA and Mossad. 

However the spies and spooks angle is not the only one to consider.  The literature of the emerging Marxist left is filled with calls to man-boy love overtures.  James Lindsay recently participated in a talk with Dr. Carol Swain where he explained as far back as Gyorgy Lucaks in Hungary who is said to have started the first sex education programs for children, to Herbert Marcuse’s “Eros and Civilization”, as well as post-modernists like Michel Foucault and others in France who attempted to lower the age of consent to twelve.  California recently passed a law giving judges discretion over pedophiles who commit particular sex acts with minors a pass on registering as sex offenders thanks to openly gay representative Scott Weiner’s bill.

If this sounds far-fetched, we have other historical warnings that these things were taking place.  Broadway producer Myron Fagan released a record explaining such machinations to an unwitting public back in the 1960s.  The Franklin Cover-Up, written by Nebraska Senator John Decamp, details the use of Boys Town and implications of satanic pedophilia, which arose again with Pizza-gate.  Despite the ridiculing of Pizza Gate in the media where “satanic pedophiles” seemed too absurd to stomach, we just reported on a pedophilic MAP Camp here in Vermont, and the original poster of the event going by the name Mythbe had on his Instagram pictures exclaiming he was both a pedophile and worships Satan. 

There are over 4,000 gay-straight alliance (GSA) clubs in American schools, and more than one After School Satan club has popped up in the past couple years, which should serve as a warning to parents and teachers everywhere.  This may not be a smoking gun as far as Walz is concerned, but there is enough historical evidence to assume that where there is smoke, there is a good chance of a fire.


  • Aaron Warner

    Mr. Warner began writing after growing tired of having so much to say and so few who would listen. He hails originally from Portland, Oregon, now living in the Upper Valley area of Vermont.  His passion is for spreading truth and exposing lies.  Like one of his heroes Andrew Breitbart he believes "If you can't sell freedom you suck.". He is GraniteGrok's regional contributor from the Upper Valley of NH / VT

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