The Implications of the Michigan Snitch Line

Steve MacDonald

If you want to talk about red flags, why are Democrats constantly looking for ways to get people to snitch on family, friends, and neighbors? From the Obama Truth Squads to COVID informants to this. Michigan has a provision in a law that creates a snitch line for kids. No, they aren’t supposed to report grooming teachers of political molesters; it’s in case they see improperly stored firearms.

Children in Michigan will soon be able to anonymously report their parents or other adults for “improperly” storing firearms “that are accessible to a minor.”

The new tip line was part of an amendment to House Bill 5503, a supplemental K-12 budget that passed the Michigan legislature on Wednesday, The Midwesterner reported. A new gun storage law went into effect in Michigan earlier this year, requiring gun owners “to keep unattended weapons unloaded and locked with a locking device or stored in a locked box or container if it is reasonably known that a minor is likely to be present on the premises.”

Note to everyone paying attention: there is no such thing in modern telecommunications as an anonymous tip line. Second, even if you happen to think that reporting improperly secured firearms will prevent shootings (and not just result in another revenue stream and path to the state’s disarmament of private citizens), why would they stop with guns?

I’m not certain how accurate Hollywood’s representation of “citizen informants” in police state cultures might be, but human nature suggests they got close, and COVID reminds us how close. For one, if you need snitches, then your police culture is closing in, and two, the state will ask them to rat you out for just about anything.

People make mistakes, and sometimes they lead to adventures that go sideways, but encouraging kids to rat our parents or relatives or their friends’ parents is scratching a totalitarian itch that never goes away.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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