MacDonald: June Wasn’t So Hot After All

I’m sure we can all sit back and relax, knowing they will announce how July 2024 was the hottest on record. I won’t be, but it is good to be prepared, and as a primer,  June 2024 was not the hottest June ‘on record’ either.

June is a great month. Schools let out, summer’s here, and the weather is getting warmer, but not everywhere, not all the time, and often not as much as they’d like you to think. Southern Australia (where it is winter) is currently enduring record Cold, which, if I were a gambling man, is caused by global warming. A comfort to any Aussies who freeze to death thanks to global warming and lack of electricity thanks to the wind drought that disrupted their reliance on intermittent “green” energy equipment made with energy from dirty coal burned in China  (which is apparently not part of the same globe when calculating emissions).

June. Hot. No.

Yes, it was warmer in June, as it tends to be, and as June went, it was in the top ten. Climate Cult optimists will quickly take a relaxing breath and go, see, it was still super, like, you know, hot; you knuckle-dragging, fossil-fuel-dependent conservative creeps are killing the biosphere.

Work your narrative girl boy man woman thing, but both June of 1933 and June 1918 were hotter. I’m sure it was the lack of SUVs, Gas Stoves, and air conditioning that were responsible. We could blame it on livestock, but I think modern racing would put their numbers to shame (prior to the government culls), and there were a lot more trees to sink the CO2 you claim is responsible.

This isn’t the June you’re looking for, and neither was last year or the year before, and five of the top 9 hottest Junes were all before 1936.

Any actual warming—and we’ve had some in the past year—is likely the result of an actual greenhouse gas called water vapor. The Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano underwater eruption created an actual global warming event when it forced obscene amounts of water vapor in to the atmosphere.

Volcano and weather scientists are unsure how this blast will impact the planet, but climate ideologues have looked right past it, like snarling dogs after a rabbit. However, numerous scientific journals have hinted at Hunga Toga’s potential to warm the Earth’s surface:

“Tonga Eruption May Temporarily Push Earth Closer to 1.5°C of Warming” (Eos)
“Water vapor from Tonga’s volcanic eruption could warm Earth for years” (Space)
“The 2022 Tonga Eruption May Have Caused Temporary Global Warming” (SYFY WIRE)
“Tonga eruption increases chances of temporary surface temperature anomaly above 1.5°C” (Nature Climate Change)
“Highest ever volcanic plume might have warmed Earth’s climate” (Space)

Funny thing.

According to a scientific paper published shortly after the eruption, “Observations from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard the NASA Aura satellite immediately following the eruption indicated that this single event increased water vapor in Earth’s normally dry stratosphere by approximately 10%.” With that much extra water vapor (the strongest greenhouse gas) injected into the atmosphere, global warming was guaranteed.

A measurable event that created an actual change in the atmosphere produced warming…but it was still warmer 100 years ago without that.

Anthropogenic climate change, my ass.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Managing Editor and co-owner of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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