Are You Ready For Serial Harris-ment

Big media flipped a switch, and overnight, Kamala Harris went from being someone no one wanted to talk about to the belle of the Dem party Ball. The digital world exploded with love, money, compassion, and praise for a candidate no Democrat wanted in 2020. Someone they liked less than Joe Biden in all of his previous runs. A candidate of color that people of color rejected only (about 1% supported her back then). A woman the media shied from covering ‘too much’ until this week.

In one political moment, Kamala Harris went from a misfit backstop to the next savior of American Democracy. It’s all a lie, but as you’ll see, that’s all it ever is, and the ruling class blob will do anything to facilitate that.

GovTrack self-censored an article this week about Kamala’s tenure as the US Senate’s most liberal Senator. No one needs to know that, especially from a source that pretends to be non-partisan. It might give people the wrong idea about El Presidente Elect Harris before they get her “elected.” Once in office, she can officially be the nation’s most Liberal President because it will be too late by then—no word on whether GovTrack plans to put the article back on Jan 20, 2025.

In an effort to clarify the record, Axios fact-checked “Republicans” but forgot they called Kamala Harris Biden’s Border Csar (Tsar, if you prefer) back in 2021.

Professor Jacobson – This reminds me of Stalin.

There are more examples, but this first foray sets the tone. The media industrial complex is Stalinizing the public record. Harris, however, has a lot of baggage. What happens on the Internet stays on the Internet, but media portals are not embarrassed by the contradictions in their reporting. They know the faithful will forgive the indiscretion and even help them reframe it until it no longer matters. Shouting, pointing, and name-calling help. Drowning out the old with the new could get it done. But the border and illegal invasion are not a minor problem you can memory hole.

It is also important not to underestimate Harris in the context of the new vision the media has created of her. Harris has many negatives, being portrayed as unable to keep black staff or as a disorganized mess before her Beautification by Big Tech and Big, Big Media, and Big Government, but she managed to climb to the position of VP and is now the presumptive presidential nominee. You can tell all the “slept your way into politics” jokes you want.

In this short clip from his podcast, Jack Posobeic reminds us that she clawed her way here over the bodies of the more capable and will do anything in pursuit of power.

The blob will keep happy Harris stories trending but the real Kamala still has to overcome her baggage. And while Steve Bannon is in jail and muted until after the election (his actual crime is being an effective and relentless communicator), plenty of outlets are willing to yank off the mask and show the world who Harris is. That will get you the standard woman-hating racist misogynist schtick, but it needs to happen.

We all need to be Tulsi Gabbard and just tell the truth.

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