SEC Social Credit Score Mandate - Granite Grok

SEC Social Credit Score Mandate

SEC shield

“Social Credit Score” policies patterned after the Chinese Communist Party’s methods to control their people are silently being implemented into our economy based on a company’s trustworthiness to the policies of the state in areas such as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).

This mandate is moving to become bureaucratic law through the corporate environmental policy of the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate Disclosure S7 – 10 – 22. It will be regarded as law through executive fiat by the Biden Administration without congressional approval unless, during the “comment period” ending on Friday, June 17th, an overwhelming miraculous irate citizen response builds into a wall of resistance that convincingly tells the SEC this is a line they had better not pass.

Some folks unfamiliar with ESG Chinese style Social Credit Scores may wonder: what’s the big deal? First of all, this latest policy of the Biden White House is moving through a sneaky law-making process that bypasses the constitutional mandate that all law-making is vested in Congress.

Why should citizens stand idle while our political leaders violate this constitutional mandate, allowing the SEC to do their job? Such as issuing limitations on corporate and personal liberty through bureaucratic law that requests many costly bogus environmental disclosures. Mandating public companies to report climate risks and the cost of moving away from fossil fuels and even the physical impact of storms on higher temperatures blamed on the bogus science of global warming. All among other ridiculous demands that, according to the IV Amendment, are none of their business.

These burdensome edicts placed on the backs of American enterprises will further make us less competitive, and the average Americans who will fund these policies out of each paycheck will face future loss of jobs. Don’t worry, more government jobs will solve the problem is the socialist dream. Hogwash!

Even worse, this “tyranny is contagious,” companies will need to impose their own “social credit scores” on consumers resulting in Americans being denied services because they haven’t adopted the Great-Reset-compliant lifestyle that follows the Chinese Communist agenda. Needless to say, Patriots who believe in individual responsibility to make their own decisions in all areas of life will not get passing grades.

This must be stopped. For Social Credit scores are right out of the tyrannical Chinese Communist totalitarian agenda to control people. It is fair to assume that most American entrepreneurs do not want to live in such a climate of business that demands compliance to so much useless “red tape” that only produces higher prices and bureaucratic job security on the way to 100% total government control.

“Social credit scores” in America for individuals or corporations must be defeated. For generational liberty depends on each generation preserving it for the next. The challenge is ours. Otherwise, Through silence, we help implement this communist Chinese-style Great Reset Policy of the World Economic Forum.

As you ponder this perilous dilemma, consider the eternal truth that is a foundation pillar of American liberty expressed by the wit of President Emeritus of the John Birch Society, John F. McManus: “America has become great not because of what the government has done for the people, it has become great because of what the government was prevented from doing by the Constitution.”

It is urgent that we put this process of limitation on government into action by June 17th by spreading the word to both the federal and state legislatures to put pressure on the SEC to reverse their 3-1 decision to implement Social Credit Scores by decree on American free enterprise. Insist that the Biden Executive department crawl back into their “constitutional cage.”


