Dartmouth, Fentanyl and the NH AG’s Office

Given the revelations about the Pandora Papers and New Hampshire with the mention of an address at Dartmouth and a large auto dealer (Autofair?) I believe that an investigation into the following for conflicts of interest and other issues may be worth a public investigation prior to any decisions regarding One Granite Health and Dartmouth Hitchcock proposal.

Please read the Department of Justice on Conspiracy to Defraud the US and consider it as you read on.

Please also consider Constitutional Tort Law.

Governor Sununu is on the board of Trustees at Dartmouth. Former US Attorney John Kakavas (US Attorney during the trial of El Chapo’s cousin for drug trafficking in New Hampshire) is the legal counsel for Dartmouth Hitchcock. Andrew H Crews is on the board of Granite One Health.

The Pandora Papers and New Hampshire

In October 2021, a report on the Pandora Papers was published. That report revealed that, per NHPR, $932.5 billion was hidden in trusts, LLCs, and related in New Hampshire.  Listed in the article were addresses at Dartmouth College, St Pauls School, Phillips Exeter Academy, and a large auto dealer which I believe may be Autofair. The CEO of Autofair, Andrew Crews, is also on the board of Granite One Health.

As the article points out, all of these Pandora Paper mentions may be innocent but in light of the proposal, I believe they are worth investigating so the public and legislators can make fully informed decisions.

Andrew H Crews’ bank (Primary Bank, Bedford New Hampshire) for which he is a director (along with Dick Anagnost who owns properties relating to Granite State Recovery among others) is also worth looking at.

Why did Primary Bank give its directors loans to the tune of millions for their own businesses?

Surely ethics would dictate that they should apply to other banks rather than just serving their own businesses for their boards of directors. This is an important consideration in the wake of the FRM Ponzi Scheme and the banking department, department of revenue, AG office’s role in that.

I believe that John Lynch was Governor in 2004 when Maximus Inc (see below) was given a no-bid contract for NH DHHS and is on the board of Primary Bank along with Andrew H Crews of One Granite Health and Dick Anagnost who I understand owns medical facility properties.

A little history that may be relevant

A decision was made back in 2004 by the NH DHHS to award Maximus Inc a no-bid contract. The consequences of that are manifested in the rising problem of drug addiction and child abuse under state care.

Maximus Inc is also listed in the Pandora Papers. Does the NH Treasury have a financial interest in Maximus Inc? Do members of the NH Bar and Judiciary have a financial interest in Maximus inc? Is it related to this proposal regarding Dartmouth Hitchcock and Granite One Health? Do affiliates of Dartmouth Hitchcock and Granite One Health have a financial interest in Maximus Inc?

From my research, it appears that there was perhaps collusion behind the scenes of the no-bid contract for the Maximus deal in 2004. Kathleen Kerr who was legal counsel for NH DHHS for 12 years is on the board of Maximus. She’d received complaints in 1999 about mismanagement of funds in a letter from US DHHS OIG.

So how did she go from that to Maximus and Maximus got a no-bid contract with NH DHHS?

Also on the board of Maximus is Richard Nadeau. One has to ask if he is a relation of Tina Nadeau (Chief Justice for the Superior Courts and advocate for Drug Courts) and/or Lindsay Nadeau (Chair of the NHCADSV, lobbyist for Liberty Mutual, partner at Orr & Reno).

Maximus Inc’s address in Concord is 10 Ferry Street. Coincidentally also the address for the Children’s Trust Fund and NAMI. The Children’s trust fund is the organization to which the Diocese of Manchester refers families on their site. It was reported to the FBI in Boston in 2016 for suspected child trafficking.

Maximus Inc has been facing increased scrutiny in various states. Isn’t it time for New Hampshire to do the same?

Recent News on Dartmouth College and Andrew H Crews of Granite One Health that may be relevant:

Just a couple of weeks ago Phillip Hanlon of Dartmouth announced he was stepping down. I believe this warrants background discovery as to the reasons why. Remember that the NHCADSV was a beneficiary (to the tune of $2.865 million I believe) of the Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth College Board of trustees lawsuit which resulted in a $14 million settlement.

How was their money spent?

Where was the compliance with NH State conflicts of interest laws for NHCADSV and Dartmouth/Dartmouth board of trustees (including Governor Sununu), both non-profits? The NHCADSV promoted publicity for the suit for which it was a financial beneficiary and actively blocked ABC/GMA from airing an interview with Owen Labrie in 2019 while the mediation with Dartmouth was in process.

The lawyers who sued St Pauls School in the wake of the Labrie trial were the very same ones who sued Dartmouth and NHCADSV was engaged in the publicity for both. NHCADSV blocked Owen Labrie from speaking. Dartmouth Professor David Bucci was also prevented from speaking up. He committed suicide. Had NHCADSV not blocked ABC/GMA I believe that the misconduct of the lawyers involved in the suits against St Paul’s who were also suing Dartmouth would be revealed.

These lawyers were working hand in glove with Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV (a beneficiary in both cases).

On December 8th, 2021, The US Senate House Ways and Means Committee started the hearings on the Pandora Papers and I understand Governors in the states concerned are being questioned. I do not know if Governor Sununu has been questioned yet.  However, on the same day, it was announced that:

Andrew H Crews, of Granite One Health – CEO of Autofair, resigned. Autofair was sold with the help of someone from Dartmouth to a company in West Palm Beach Florida.

Of note also: Autofair and Andrew H Crews are named as defendants in Daly et Al v Autofair Inc et Al.

Andrew H Crews is also on the board of directors for Primary Bank which awarded and forgave PPP loans to the tune of several million to Autofair, his own company.  Primary Bank also awarded PPP loans and forgave them to companies belonging to Dick Anagnost, the realtor who owns medical facilities and who is also a director of Primary Bank.  PPP loans were also given to Shaheen & Gordon which I understand represents the NHCADSV, Dick Anagnost, and Andrew H Crews.

Listed in the complaint against Autofair is its dealership in Haverhill Massachusetts.

Coincidentally, drug dealers from Haverhill are named in this article about the fentanyl drug bust in Bedford New Hampshire where Primary Bank, on whose board of directors Andrew H Crews, former CEO of Autofair and on the board of directors for Granite One Health, is located.

What does former US Attorney Scott Murray know?

In the article above, it would appear that US Attorney Scott Murray was pressed for an answer about why local police officers were not involved in the Bedford fentanyl drug bust.  It’s a good question.  Scott Murray was recommended to his position of US Attorney by Governor Sununu who is on the board of trustees for Dartmouth, the home address of a Pandora Papers account, and from where this article was published proclaiming the benefits of fentanyl in 2007 for patients aged 14 and older.

Scott Murray, in May 10, 2016, issue of the Concord Monitor, said that police and prosecutors had done a thorough investigation into St Paul’s School and found no prosecutable misconduct (outside Owen Labrie). If that is the case then why was there a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation which found that there was and why was that report kept secret despite the school’s waiver of privacy and why did NHCADSV end up with a contract with St Paul’s School as a result?

Scott Murray lied in his statements regarding St Paul’s School for which there is material evidence that has been suppressed and hidden. Therefore why should anyone trust any statements from Scott Murray regarding the fentanyl drug bust and local police in Bedford New Hampshire? He is not a credible source. His own prosecutor contradicted Murray’s statements in a sidebar with a judge in the criminal trial of Owen Labrie.

The Last Decade and Opioids/Fentanyl in New Hampshire:

Over the last decade, there has been a spike in opioid and fentanyl deaths in New Hampshire.

Vice President Mike Pence had his trip to New Hampshire aborted. It was later revealed that the reason for the cancellation was because he couldn’t be seen to be shaking hands with a drug dealer, ex NFL. Jeff Hatch had worked at Granite State Recovery Centers which are tied to Andrew Crews’ fellow director of Primary Bank, Dick Anagnost.

And now, in July of 2019, here was Hatch, telling Spofford he had pleaded guilty to a drug crime. That he’d relapsed. Not a week or a month before but five years earlier. And that, as a result, he was in a lot of trouble. Trouble that was about to become public.

In July 2017 authorities arrested a dealer above him in the food chain. “That was an opportunity for me to break away from the whole thing. And I took advantage of that.” It didn’t work. And so, at some point after that—he must be vague, he says—he became part of the operation, sworn to silence.

Where was the drug trafficking taking place? Ironically in the same towns and along the same route as Autofair’s business, it appears.

What is curious is that Dartmouth College’s 990 filings show it has accounts with Vanguard Securities in Boston. Who works at Vanguard Securities in the fraud department but ex Concord Police Chief Timothy O’Malley who worked with DA Scott Murray when he was at Merrimack County. It’s a very strange segue from the Concord Police Department which contains at least 2 police officers listed on the Laurie List of corrupt police officers per reports.

Dartmouth, Fentanyl, and the AG’s office:

In 2016, a woman is accused of stealing fentanyl from Dartmouth.

And then this from 2019: Assistant Attorney General Jeff Strelzin said Tuesday that Massey did not die from a fentanyl overdose. “There’s no evidence that fentanyl played any part in her death at all,” Strelzin said.

Strelzin appeared during the investigation of the disappearance of Maura Murray who after 18 years has just been announced as an FBI case. Why after 18 years? Because the Laurie List of corrupt police officers is being exposed?

How trustworthy is Strelzin?



In fact, given that Manchester Police Chief’s statements about visits to the Harmony Montgomery home don’t coincide with records: Manchester police claimed visiting once I believe whereas records indicate 29 times, – you have to start wondering what is going on and who is covering who.

NHCADSV’s Director of Public Affairs, Amanda Grady Sexton (who is also Chair of the City of Concord Public Safety Committee and on the Rules Committee) states in her bio that she works with police and prosecutors to shape the message.

There are an inordinate number of people tied to publicity on the NHCADSV site. Why does a non-profit devoted to domestic and sexual violence have so many publicists? To create and control the message apparently – including for corrupt police, AG’s office, and the Governor?

NHCADSV was the beneficiary of what looks like $2.865 million from Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth College Board of Trustees (which would have included Governor Sununu).

What did they spend that money on?

It doesn’t look like it went towards new services and programs at Dartmouth that helped the student population given that Maha Hasan Alshawi went on hunger strike over the college’s failures to investigate her claims of sexual assault. The students signed a petition demanding due process. The college hired a law firm to do an “independent” investigation and returned a finding of no guilt for the college or professor concerned, not through “due process” but a preponderance of the evidence.

Drug Trafficking in the last decade in NH and how this ties into Dartmouth

In 2015, Gutierrez Guzman, the cousin of El Chapo, was tried in New Hampshire. Although the US Prosecutor alleged that Guzman was part of a bigger network, the local judge disputed this. Of interest, is that apparently, an assistant attorney from the AG’s office decided to represent Gutierrez Guzman. And John Kakavas who was US Attorney at the time of Guzman’s trial has now become legal counsel for Dartmouth Hitchcock.

I urge you to read this report about El Chapo and money laundering methods. The US was his biggest market. Banking systems, insurance companies, and other apparently legitimate enterprises are involved. I believe that once you start investigating what lies behind the proposal regarding Dartmouth Hitchcock and Granite One Health there may be some discoveries leading to further questions.


AG Gordon MacDonald did not want the release of the list of corrupt police officers. Geoffrey Ward has deleted the names of 28 police officers on that list. Now the AG’s office wants the list removed and forgotten. This indicates the Attorney General’s office and its related agencies and law firms are complicit (passively or actively) in unlawful activity by public officials. It suggests that the AG’s office knows about unlawful activity and it is possibly placing its own affiliates in gatekeeping positions to prevent inspection:

Thus Scott Murray as US Attorney from Merrimack County; Timothy O’Malley from Concord Police at Vanguard Securities; Jeffrey Strelzin as a homicide officer in the Department of Justice: Lindsay Nadeau from Orr & Reno (also Chair of the NHCADSV) as a lobbyist for Liberty Mutual which has a horrible reputation; John Kakavas as legal counsel to Dartmouth Hitchcock; Chuck Douglas as Chair of the NH Judicial selection committee and his wife as Chair of the Lottery while Andrew Crews is president of the lottery. Amanda Sexton as the Director of Public Affairs for the NHCADSV which appears to be a crisis pr and propaganda wing of the DCYF, NHPD, and the AG’s office as well as a lobbyist for Senators Jeanne Shaheen & Rep. Ann Kuster.

Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested in New Hampshire. Shaheen & Gordon represented her in New Hampshire. Shaheen & Gordon lobby for PainCare (providing 8 of 10 Medicaid centers with opioids). The US Virgin Islands are pursuing the Epstein-linked money laundering in the US.  El Chapo and Epstein have been linked together.

I ask you, before making decisions, to consider the above and do the research yourselves to find out what’s really at work here. Who benefits and why?

Child State Social Worker Anna Carrigan brought a Whistleblower Suit against DHHS/DCYF and related. She lost her lawsuit after appealing it to the NH Supreme Court. Why? Because the financial interests of the powers that be in Maximus Inc and related are more valuable than child welfare?  Did Anna Carrigan know that the law firm which represented her also lobbies for Maximus Inc?


You can only make good decisions when you have all the facts. There are other facts. I am presenting here some facts I discovered which may be worth exploring. What is the real motivation for this proposal?




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