Camp Constitution: Exposing CRT and DEI 

Hal Shurtleff

Camp Constitution Speakers Bureau will be sponsoring a speaking engagement for Rev. Steve Craft at the Community Church of Alton, 20 Church St. Alton Friday, February 23—7:00 PM.

Rev. Craft’s topic is “Color, Communism, and Common Sense.” The presentation is based on a book written in 1958 by the late Manning Johnson, who left the Communist Party U.S.A. after realizing that the communists wanted to use black Americans to promote a race war. Rev Craft contends that the names are different, but the goals are the same. Rev. Craft will expose Critical Race Theory, which he calls “Crazy Racist Trash,” the destructive D.E.I., and what can be done to stop it.

Admission is free. Donations accepted.

Rev. Craft is a native of New Jersey. Author of Morality and Freedom; America’s Dynamic Duo.,” He is a graduate of Harvard University’s School of Divinity. Rev. Craft serves as the chaplain for Camp Constitution.

For more information, contact Hal Shurtleff (857) 498-1309


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