Will Biden's New Economic Policy haunt our Democrat Reps? - Granite Grok

Will Biden’s New Economic Policy haunt our Democrat Reps?

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The Biden administration is planning to take what has not been spent of the vast rental assistance package — about half of the $46.5 billion allocated — and give it to areas that have spent the most money.

We’ll call it Biden’s New Economic Plan, which effectively means another windfall for major cities – those poorly run, crime-ridden, corrupt Democrat strongholds to enable ever greater corruption and increased spoils for the left-wing pols.

Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas are among the states that are expected to be hardest hit.

But where does rural New Hampshire with our single area code stand in this mug’s game?  I wonder what Madame Hassan’s answer to this latest outrage, or as we said in the cops, “caper”, will be?

We want to thank John Burtis for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

But as this caper rolls out, I wonder what all the Democrats representing us, which bravely include include each and every one of our federal representatives, Madames Shaheen, “Vive le Revolution!”, Hassan, “I brought NH in dead last, dead last…”, Kuster, “Hunh?”, Comrade Pappas, “I take my money from Pelosi,” will offer us as a sop?

Really, Chris?  A Merry Christmas to you for two terms from Pelosi’s “PAC to the Future” leadership PAC, “House Majority PAC,” and her own “Nancy Pelosi for Congress” Campaign PAC have thrown enough cash to light the Pappas way, in fact 61% of the illumination needed.  And she reaps her dough from California billionaires and dudes like Jeff Bezos who want us all living like kulaks, read homeless, while they all ride by us all in fancy limousines while we scuttle out of the way in our rags.  Pappas reaps dirty money and can only wish the worst for us.

The successes of Stalin’s industrialization drive in 1929 with his first Five Year Plan were the results of the transformation of the Russian agricultural system and the extreme exploitation of the peasantry, including starvation in the Ukraine called the Holodomor.  Industrializing Russia required purchasing large amounts of foreign machinery, feeding and housing a growing workforce in the city, both of which required large amounts of grain, much of which was exported for foreign cash.

Meanwhile, the peasants in the rural areas were forced, often times violently, to subsidize the industrialization of Russia by giving up larger and larger amounts of their grain while gaining nothing in return.  Failure to surrender your food, livestock and chickens to the NKVD meant death.

Today. Uncle Joe Biden and his handlers is forsaking our rural areas and our farmers, whom our Democrats consider to be nothing but kulaks who should be, a la Uncle Joe Stalin, eliminated as a class enemy, because of the plethora of visible Trump signs, gun ownership, their failure to endorse global warming, cows and private property held dear by these “deplorables” who are also found in the rural counties of NH.

So, after leaving us nothing but a Red Tent, Madame Hassan, and leaving us just empty words, a new soon to be husband and most of your war chest laden with Pelosi’s dough, Comrade Pappas, what are you both going to do about Biden’s New Economic Plan?  Will either of you tell us how little you’ve done for us beyond handing out business cards at soirees?

