Who Wins “Biggest Dunce” Award for the Biennium?

This is the 150th Behind the Lines post since I started this page eighteen months ago at the beginning of the 2023-2024 legislative biennium. Thanks to everyone who has subscribed, shared, and grown the audience over the past year and a half, and welcome to many new subscribers who have joined in the last few weeks!

So, to celebrate 150 posts, and as we transition from legislative session to election season, I thought we’d have some fun and look back through some of the more popular BTL videos and give you all a chance to weigh in on who under the Golden Dome you think used their spotlight to make the biggest fool of themselves.

Cast your votes in the comments, which will be open to all subscribers (not just paid subscribers) for this post.

Here are the contestants!

1.    Peter Sterling, Executive Director of Renewable Energy Vermont, caught on a hot mic excitedly making reservations for a CO2 laden ski vacation to Chamonix, France, to celebrate passage of the Renewable Energy Standard bill.

2.    Sen. Becca White (D-Windsor) for her childish meltdown after learning she would only be allowed to vote herself a 43% pay raise (as opposed to the 100% plus benefits package Democrats passed the year before but was vetoed by Gov. Scott.)

3.    Sen. Chris Bray (D-Addison) who can’t explain how his own Clean Heat Carbon Tax bill works.

4.    The Entire Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee for their rude and dismissive treatment of witnesses who disagree with them.

5.    Sen. Mark MacDonald (D-Orange) for his infamous, megalomaniacal, absurd and insensitive governing philosophy: “We don’t do things based on helping poor people. We do things based on saving the world.”

6.    Senate President Pro Tem Philip Baruth (D/P-Chittenden) for his disgraceful anti-small-“d”-Democratic rant ordering senators to ignore voters, the media on how to report, and threatening to de-platform Republican lawmakers who disagree with his agenda.

Look forward to seeing what you all think. Write-in candidates for the prize are also welcome! Winner will be announced next Friday.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.
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