UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is not shy about who he thinks is to blame for the UN not raising enough revenue. It’s you. His NGO allies, friendly governments, and corporatist allies are all in desperate need of more cash. To get it, more of it, he is comparing you to an earth-killing meteor.
You are SMOD.
“Like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, we [humans] are having an outsized impact. In the case of climate, we are not the dinosaurs; we are the meteor. We are not only in danger; we are the danger.”
“But we are also the solution,” he added.
“We” needs a good deal of clarification. When Guterres says we, he is not accusing black, brown, or yellow people. There is no racist inference that the issue is a result of second and third-world countries putting record-setting amounts of “emissions” into the atmosphere from the burning of dirty coal. Scrabbling out of poverty without any regard for the sorts of complications alleged by the UN’s Climate Pharisees is not what it hurtles toward earth, presaging its doom. It is white people. Westerners. The places that are burning cleaner, emitting less, and still somehow lifting people out of poverty (though less so since the climate dogma consumed the political liturgy of the day).
When Guterres says ‘We,’ he means Americans (mostly) and not because we’re the biggest emissions threat. That is China. India is close behind. Africa is emitting at a higher rate and as likely as not to catch up to China in part because the Sino-African alignment is the source of so many mining operations to extract the metals the Chinese need to make cheap “green” components to cripple the Wests energy infrastructure.
Parts and technology are manufactured with energy from burning massive amounts of coal. made cheap by low-wage or slave labor, the violations of whose human rights is a convenience the same Pharisees see fit to ignore.
Ignore it like the bulk of earth’s inconvenient climate history.
Ice core researcher Jorgen Peder Steffensen, from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, said that his research has shown that temperatures in Greenland 6,000 years ago “were 2.5 degrees warmer on average than today.”
Since temperature recording started at one of the coldest periods of the past 6,000 to 8,000 years, rising global temperatures are to be expected as part of a natural pattern.
“I agree completely that we have had a global temperature increase in the 20th century,” Steffensen said. “But an increase from what? Probably an increase from the lowest point we’ve had from the last 10,000 years.”
“And this means, that it will be very hard indeed to prove whether the increase of temperature in the 20th century was man-made or it’s a natural variation.”
We had arboreal forests in Greenland long before the invention of the UN or the SUV, but the Climateers deny that science is relevant. And so they must. If they were to agree that their science was not settled, that it had holes, and that the computer models were not accurate or even capable of proper projections, the money train might dry up. And this is all about money. Your money, controlled by them, by any means necessary, and a global climate catastrophe has been the preferred vehicle for decades.
Comparing you to an earth killer isn’t hyperbole to them, but it is ironic. The UN and the globalists are destroying the planet by their pursuit of global socialism through climate policy. More people will be miserable and discontent, and the earth will be in worse shape, absent the Western Democracy that it was with it.
It is the Climateers who are the earth-killing meteor, not you.