NH Public Schools Now Free to Blame and Shame Your Children for Slavery

A few years ago, the New Hampshire legislature passed an anti-discrimination law that restricted teachers from blaming New Hampshire students for slavery. Ok, here is the actual information on what the law did.

The Right to Freedom from Discrimination in Public Workplaces and Education law was struck down by the U.S. District Court. What does that mean for students in our public schools?

Let’s go back to before this law was enacted in New Hampshire. What were we seeing in the public schools?

Critical Race Theory was beginning to become a subject in k-12 education. While this was normally limited to colleges and universities, the subject of viewing everything through the lens of race became part of the classroom. Prior to this, teachers weren’t limited on what they could teach about history, even though many of the History books written by Howard Zinn were full of anti-American sentiment.   So what changed?

Schools became more political in both race and gender. Parents could see that these subjects were becoming more and more, part of the school day. Some parents began looking for alternative schools as “choice” programs expanded in New Hampshire. If a child is going to be subjected to a radical political viewpoint instead of a quality academic education, families would look for an alternative. Public school enrollments declined while home-schooling and private school enrollments increased. Political operatives in the schools didn’t care about that, they wanted to make sure this political narrative was forced upon students.

As a parental rights advocate, I tried to warn political operatives that abandoning academics for political indoctrination would not help public education. Parents will walk, and they did. You could see the influence on their children, and it wasn’t pretty:



About this time, Condoleeza Rice was interviewed on The View and summed it up perfectly:

White parents do not want their child blamed and shamed for slavery. Black parents want their children to have hopes and dreams that they know they can achieve.

No one wants to white-wash history. We have a history of slavery and racism. All of this needs to be taught. But children attending our public schools should not be caught in the middle of all of this. Teachers should not be blaming and shaming children because of the color of their skin.

What does this mean going forward? For now radicalized teachers will have free rein to push these narratives in your child’s classroom. You can still document all of this, take it to school administrators and school board members.  Let’s make sure our kids are learning history and all of the facts. But there is no reason to harm a child in the process.

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