Mullahs and Their Mercenaries Are Terrorizing Iran

The world’s most notorious state exponent of anti-Semitism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is on a path to uproot not only all that is perceived as civilized but to annihilate the greatest threat to its existence, the Iranian people. The mullahs and their mercenaries are wasting precious human lives in order to maintain their power by terrorizing.

The Iranian people are simply hopeless and helpless. Even the United Nations does not come to their rescue. From its past performance, rather than its absence of performance, we know that the UN watchdog is a true disgrace to dogs since all it does is eat, sleep, and look the other way. Furthermore, the dog has no teeth. The vet had to pull all its teeth before the dog became acceptable to the crafty cats that constitute the UN itself.

The Islamic Republic is a unique creature – it is best described as a theocratic aristocracy. The “divinely ordained” rulers maintained themselves in power through an elaborate system of patronage. Lucrative positions, contracts and valued privileges are distributed in this way. The result is that the ruling mullahs enjoy a significant number of supporters in all strata of society – the civil service, the military, the powerful Revolutionary Guards, and the hooligans and thugs who are ready to unleash their vicious attacks on anyone or any group that dares to challenge the in-charge men of Allah.

The illegitimate government of the Islamic Republic is a quisling entity that has betrayed its people, its tradition, and its glorious pre-Islamic achievements and is incessantly working against Iran’s national interest. Iran, under the stranglehold and machinations of the mullahs, has been transformed, in less than three decades, into the lead perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.

The supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei, like his predecessor, Ayatollah Khomeini, whose callous disregard for human life was matched only by his consuming paranoia, allegedly has issued a decree to hang Iranian dissidents publicly in all the towns and villages with a population that exceeds 1,000 people. For Ayatollah Khamenei, dissident viewpoints represent an unacceptable threat. Anyone found questioning the Shari’a law – and many hundreds of thousands were – had to be “weeded out.” The Islamic Republic is on a mission to end human life in Iran.The Islamic Republic has the dubious distinction of executing more children, those under the age of 18, than any other country in the world. Such is the plight of the Iranian people.

Iran’s ruling mullahs are clustered around major factions such as the fundamentalists, the moderates, and the so-called reformists. Yet, the differences among these factions are tactical rather than strategic. One and all share the same overarching goal of defeating the “Crusader-Zionists” by any and all methods possible, bringing about the “end of the world” Armageddon, and thereby creating the requisite conditions for the appearance of the Hidden Imam, the Mahdi, to assume his rule of the world.

“What is the likelihood that the ruling mullahs will actually use the bomb?” you may ask. “If they remain in power long enough to have it, they are very likely to use it, in one form or another,” you are told. At the very least, they will use the bomb for blackmail and intimidation in the region. You may ask how you can help prevent this catastrophe. “Support the Iranian peoples’ struggle for freedom by at least petitioning,” you are told.

In order to achieve total control, the Islamic Republic and its lackeys spawned a series of immense internal purges, beginning in 1988 and known as the “Massacre of Political Prisoners of 1988.” They have intensified their domestic terror in recent months and weeks.

A society that is intense in its struggle for change has a flip side to its idealism: intolerance. This totalitarian regime sees enemies everywhere, enemies who want to destroy the Islamic Revolution and diminish the results of its hard work of creating an Islamic utopia in the land of Cyrus the Great.

The regime seems to be panicking with hyper-suspiciousness. They have installed watchdogs in schools, universities, factories, and all offices across the country and are urged to be vigilant against sabotage, against those who crave freedom and democracy. Many innocent Iranians are being victimized, and the saying has gone around that “when you chop wood, the chips fly.” As with Khamenei, it is believed that some who are innocent will have to be victimized if all of the guilty are to be apprehended.

In fact, they stigmatize, victimize, and murder people without any due process of law. On the slightest suspicion, they arrest, convict, and execute. Few people would deny any longer that Islam and its variants mean, in practice, bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal actions, forced hijab, fatal deportations, extrajudicial executions, show trials, and genocide. It is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the greatest threats to the stability of the civilized world and humanity at large. It continues to impose this horrendous ideology called Islam on the Iranian population. The world must file legal charges against the leaders of the Islamic Republic for their wanton violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for their crimes against humanity and genocidal actions against religion. 

The regime seems to be panicking.

and political groups; for support of international terrorism; for demolition of religious sites and cemeteries; for rape, torture, and summary executions of prisoners of conscience; forgery of documents; for acts of blackmail and fraud; and much more.

To those misguided advocates of negotiation with the mullahs, beware. The mullahs are on an Allah-mandated mission. They are intoxicated with petrodollars and aim to settle for nothing less than complete domination of the world under the Islamic Ummah. It is precisely for this reason that they consider America and the West as Ofooli, a setting, dying system, while they believe their Islamism is Tolooi, a rising, living order. They are in no mood to negotiate for anything less than the total surrender of democracy, the very anathema to Islamism. This is only one reason, but perhaps one of the greatest reasons, for fostering democracy.


  • Amil Imani

    Amil Imani is an Iranian-American writer, satirist, novelist, public speaker, political analyst, foreign policy, National & Homeland Security, Intelligence & Counterterrorism who has been writing and speaking out about the danger of radical Islam both in America and internationally. He has become a formidable voice in the United States against the danger of global jihad and Islamization of America. Amil maintains a website at Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf and is currently working on his third and fourth book. He is 2010 honoree of EMET: "The Speaker of the Truth Award" at the Capitol Hill.

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