Endorsement from Jan Schmidt? No, Not Yet.

Julie Smith

I can’t let Ed Mosca have a monopoly on all the fun in mocking “Senator Twitley.” And, yes, that’s what I prefer to call Attorney Rebecca Whitley because that’s what Senator Giuda renamed that dumb blonde over two years ago.

Many people, presumably half of them with her name on their ballots, have observed that she operates using the Rep Meuse playbook.  What that means is that she makes tweets and disables the commenting.  Her role model, Queen Bee Donna Soucy, often does the same.  Free speech, anyone?

There’s a reason that free speech is the First Amendment and not that of another number, and I can recognize that myself as a private citizen and non-lawyer.  Senator Twitley is neither.  Shame on her, twofold.

Anyway, she tweeted this morning a list of endorsers,

which includes many names of well-known deplorable people.  I’m in the anti-trust mode right now, so if Ed Mosca can’t have a monopoly, neither can Hillary!  There are some genuinely nasty people on that list, two outstanding examples being Reps Sofikitis and Peter Petrigno, but do you notice someone not yet on the endorsement list?

That someone is former Alderman Jan Schmidt, a devout worshipper of censorship.  Much can be said and has already been said about Jan, but just in case there are any new readers among us, I consider it a public service to bring them up to speed with this link to the voluminous archives on her.  I will close by asking anyone with current intel on her to share the news when she goes on record with her pick for Annie’s replacement.  My money is on Senator Twitley, but many faith-based people will claim that there’s hope for everyone, and that would include Jan.  Maybe she will do the right thing and support Lily Tang Williams, but there’s a better chance of winning the lottery.


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